Chemical Alert: Glyphosate tied to gluten sensitivity

(NaturalHealth365) Both celiac disease and gluten sensitivity (or intolerance) are growing problems across the world – especially in Europe and North America. In fact, it’s now estimated that approximately 5% of the population in these areas deal with it – experiencing symptoms like depression, nausea, skin rashes, and diarrhea.
While some experts have suggested that the increase in celiac disease is due to improved diagnostic tools, one study argues that there’s a link between glyphosate – the active herbicide ingredient found in Roundup – and gluten sensitivity. Glyphosate residue is not only found in wheat and other types of crops because of crop desiccation before harvesting, but it’s also used to help ripen sugar cane faster.
This means that millions of people are likely ingesting this toxic chemical in the foods they eat.
Glyphosate was once thought “nearly nontoxic” to humans – but, we know better now
Recent papers and studies have shed new light on this herbicide ingredient. One paper argues that this chemical could be contributing to the autism and obesity epidemics within the United States. It also noted that glyphosate might also contribute to other conditions, such as depression, cancer, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and infertility.
Since the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) continues to accept the previous claims that glyphosate is harmless to humans, no studies have been done within the U.S. to determine the levels of glyphosate found in human urine or blood.
However, one study done in Europe found that glyphosate residues from the Western diet do show up in urine samples. While 44% of those sampled had quantifiable amounts of the chemical in their urine, these numbers would likely be much higher if the study were done within the United States.
The link between glyphosate and gluten sensitivity
Within the paper published in Interdisciplinary Toxicology, experts concluded that there is a link between glyphosate and the rise of gluten sensitivity and celiac disease in the U.S.
Not only is celiac disease a complex condition, but it’s connected to a higher risk for other health problems, such as kidney disease, cancer, and thyroid disease. The authors argue that current monitoring of glyphosate levels within our food and in human blood and urine hasn’t been adequate, and they’re calling for governments across the globe to begin rethinking their policies on glyphosate, introducing legislation that would restrict the usage of Roundup.
Of course, waiting for governments to legislate the restriction of glyphosate could take years, so what can you do to reduce your exposure now?
Know what foods have a higher risk of containing glyphosate. For example, oat-based products like snack bars, cereals, and oatmeal have been found to contain this chemical. It may also be found in bean and grain products, as well as certain fruits and veggies, such as apples, cherries, avocados, garlic, potatoes, spinach, tomatoes, cucumbers, blueberries, lemons, and rice.
No doubt, one of the best ways to limit exposure to glyphosate is to start purchasing organic products since the chemical has been banned in organic farming.
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