Unapproved genetically engineered wheat found growing in Washington state

(NaturalHealth365) The next time you have a few moments to spare, take a good look at your pantry and fridge. Do you have any GMOs (genetically manipulated food) in there? For example, genetically engineered wheat will definitely be something to throw away.
Not sure how to tell? Look for ingredients that are commonly part of the “Frankenfood” family, including corn, soy, alfalfa, sugar beets, canola oil, and even farm-raised fish.
As it stands, genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are all over our supermarkets shelves. And now an unapproved GMO-version of one of the country’s leading crops – wheat – has been found in Washington state. It’s time to understand the genetically modified wheat health risks you and your family may face because of this crop.
Unapproved genetically engineered wheat growing in Washington state fields poised to cause serious (and unexpected) problems
Genetically engineered wheat that is unapproved for commercial production has been discovered on a field in Washington state. With cross-pollination a plausible culprit, the problem could be dire.
Why? Let’s set aside the potential health ramifications for a moment and focus on something else: economic impact.
Countries in Europe and Asia have historically BLOCKED wheat exports from the U.S. in incidences of GMO contamination. And because of cross-pollination, farmers who have committed to growing non-GMO and organic crops may still be at the mercy of the wind.
This is because research suggests crops can be contaminated and cross-pollinated by GMO-crops from up to 1.5 miles away. For organic, non-GMO farmers (who mean better), this GMO contamination can lead to a loss of certifications and lowered price points.
3 ways that GMOs hurt our economic, environmental and physical health
When discussing the potential health impacts of genetically manipulated food, the non-profit organization The Non-GMO Project says it perfectly: “In the absence of credible independent long-term feeding studies, the safety of GMOs is unknown.”
Meanwhile, studies show that GMO foods have negative multi-organ effects in animal models, including damage to the liver, pancreas, kidneys, and reproductive and immune systems. In other words, there’s absolutely NO data to conclusively suggest that genetically modified foods are safe – but there is data to suggest it’s not.
And until more research can be done, many consumers just don’t see the point in taking such a substantial risk with their health.
Speaking of health, let’s not forget about the impact that GMO crops have on the health of our planet.
The use of toxic herbicides and pesticides – including the “probable carcinogen” glyphosate, found in the popular weed killer Roundup® – has increased fifteenfold since GMOs were introduced to the market. Plus, GMO crops contribute to the proliferation of drug-resistant weeds and bugs which can only be killed by even MORE toxic and potent chemicals.
Simply put, nobody knows the long-term impact that genetically modified foods have on our health – and we don’t think anyone really wants to find out the hard way, either.
Don’t take a gamble on your family’s well-being with the most important factor determining long-term health (food). Opt out of the GMO experiment by educating yourself about GMO, choosing GMO-free foods whenever possible, and subscribing to the NaturalHealth365 newsletter to stay up to date on the latest food industry news.
Sources for this article include:
Photo by CarbonNYC [in SF!]