Nagalase testing finds cancer cells early and GcMAF cures it

(NaturalHealth365) Any cancer diagnosis can be terrifying. But when patients are told that cancer cells have already spread, a physician’s words can hang in the air like a death sentence, leaving behind confusion and despair.
Yet soon, scenarios such as this could become part of the past. Research shows a pair of proteins appears to hold the secret to a long-awaited means of identifying, and then reversing, deadly metastatic cancer.
Science-based evidence for fighting cancer cells
Two bioidentical, naturally occurring proteins – glycoprotein macrophage-activating factor (GcMAF) and nagalase (alpha-N-acetylgalactosaminidase) – have the potential to wipe the world clean of cancer. While that may sound too good to be true, the prediction is supported by over a quarter century of research, much of it spearheaded by Dr. Nobuto Yamamoto, founder and director of the Socrates Institute for Therapeutic Immunology.
Timothy J. Smith, M.D., points out that Dr. Yamamoto’s research provides critical scientific evidence that the two bio-identical, naturally occurring protein molecules – GcMAF and nagalase – can be used to identify, and then reverse, metastatic cancer. Nagalase screening, along with early treatment using GcMAF, has the potential to “rid the world of the scourge of cancer,” he says.
Editor’s note: Discover how to prevent, even reverse cancer safely and naturally. Subscribe to the NaturalHealth365 INNER CIRCLE with over 200 integrative healthcare providers – click here to learn more.
Dr. Smith has been studying and practicing alternative, nutritional and conventional healing principles for over four decades. In addition to their usefulness in wiping out cancer, he says the two proteins hold promise for curing HIV and other chronic viral infections.
Admitting that he is making strong statements about the potential for ridding the world of cancer with GcMAF and nagalase testing, Dr. Smith predicts that anyone who carefully reviews the science behind GcMAF, nagalase, and the molecular biology of macrophage activation, will realize it is true. The approach can even be used to target and reverse cancer so early in development that it is not even visible via conventional imaging technologies, he notes.
Identifying and reversing cancer safely and effectively
GcMAF is made by your body and acts to spur anti-cancer immune activity, activating very large cells, known as macrophages. These macrophages track down and kill cancer cells and sometimes, viruses.
Cancer cells have adopted a means for blocking the production of GcMAF by manufacturing nagalase. When the body does not produce enough GcMAF, macrophages become inactive, leaving your body at risk of disease.
Nagalase testing provides the technology to identify cancer, even when it is just a handful of cells, by detecting levels of nagalase, manufactured by cancer and virus cells. This early detection will enable the reversal of cancer with just a few GcMAF injections to boost the body’s natural immune system against cancer and viruses.
As demand grows – natural cures will become easier to obtain.
While certified, pure bioidentical GcMAF is not yet available, raising awareness about the potential for slowing and stopping cancer should eventually lead to enough GcMAF being made available to ensure every patient receives it who needs it.
In the meantime, the establishment of nagalase cancer screening programs for all adults and all high-risk populations is highly recommended, according to Dr. Smith. Nagalase testing enables very early identification of cancer, then gives an opportunity to reverse its growth with a few GcMAF injections.
“For me, the Holy Grail of cancer eradication is finding it early and nipping it in the bud,” says Dr. Smith.