Gardasil: The HPV vaccine is linked with permanent devastating health issues

Gardasil: The HPV vaccine is linked with permanent devastating health issues

(NaturalHealth365) The human papillomavirus (HPV) is the most common STD in sexually active individuals. While in many cases it resolves on its own, in rare cases, it can lead to cervical cancer and other cancer types.  The Gardasil vaccine was developed as a means to help young women avoid the virus and its potential complications. (but, is it really necessary or effective?)

The makers of this drug claim that it can protect from the genital warts associated with the virus while reducing cancer risk. However, Gardasil has been linked with a number of HPV vaccine risks and side effects that can range from mild to severe.

Injection site and digestive system side effects from the HPV vaccine

A Gardasil injection can cause redness, swelling, pain and itching at the injection site. In about 7.5 cases per 100,000 a severe reaction can occur, resulting in extreme pain and inflammation. A cyst or abscess may also form at the injection site in rare cases.

Around 7 percent of Gardasil patients feel nauseous in the initial two weeks after vaccination. Up to 2 percent suffer from vomiting that can become dangerous if they are unable to keep water and food down.

In addition, diarrhea affects 4 percent of those who receive the Gardasil vaccine.  And, in severe cases, this can result in a dangerous level of dehydration. Appendicitis occurs in about 0.3 percent of Gardasil recipients.

Reproductive side effects and HPV vaccine risks to the central nervous system

The HPV vaccine Gardasil has been linked with the premature menopause condition of POF, or premature ovarian failure. It can also cause amenorrhea, an abnormal absence or irregularity in menstruation.

The HPV vaccine can also cause fainting in some recipients, which can put them at risk of hitting their head or other injury caused by suddenly falling.  Honestly, the more I look at these risks, the more I wonder, ‘how could this be legally allowed to be given to the population?’

Other common central nervous system side effects of Gardasil include headaches in about 30 percent of recipients. Fever is another common side effect, and dizziness can affect up to 4 percent of those who receive the vaccine.

Life-threatening HPV vaccine risks from Gardasil

A percentage of Gardasil side effects are extremely dangerous and potentially devastating to quality of life. They include deep venous thromboses, also known as blood clots in the legs. Pulmonary emboli have also occurred, which refer to life-threatening blood clots in the lungs. People have also suffered seizures, strokes, kidney failure and Guillain-Barré syndrome, a serious neurological disease.

The HPV vaccine contains polysorbate 80, which is known to cause encephalitis, anaphylactic reactions and multiple sclerosis. The inclusion of toxic aluminum as a vaccine adjuvant can also lead to a number of very serious health issues.

The HPV vaccine Gardasil was approved by the FDA in 2006, and a new version that contains twice the aluminum was recently released. Gardasil was initially marketed to adolescent girls and their parents; however, the marketing campaign for the HPV vaccine now targets persons of both genders up to the age of 26.

It’s no wonder consumers are pushing back against this vaccine. It’s time for health and medical professionals as well as the mainstream media to start being more vocal about its potentially devastating health risks.


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