Stop the insanity: Pharmacies selling unapproved fluoride drugs to the public

Stop the insanity: Pharmacies selling unapproved fluoride drugs to the public

(NaturalHealth365) A short video released by the Fluoride Action Network is alerting the public about dangerous fluoride “supplements” that are illegally on the market today. They are being heavily marketed to parents with children despite the known dangers of fluoride toxicity and the fact that these oral supplements have never been approved by the FDA.

A Fluoride Action Network investigation found that these dangerous products are still being sold at the largest drug stores in the U.S., including Walgreen’s, CVS, Rite Aid and Wal Mart. The sale of these products violates federal laws as well as the laws of at least 17 states prohibiting the sale of drugs that have not been approved by the FDA.

Fluoride toxicity causes neurological and endocrine system disruption

Fluoride’s potential benefits only come from topical application to the teeth – NOT internal ingestion. Swallowing fluoride is not only ineffective – it is potentially harmful and dangerous to those who ingest it – especially children. {Share this video with your family and friends}

Fluoride is a known endocrine disruptor and neurotoxin. Studies have shown that the ingestion of fluoride during the formative years of childhood can cause numerous health issues linked with fluoride toxicity, including learning issues, behavioral problems, low thyroid functioning, fragility of the bones, and bone cancer.

Fluoride ingestion can also cause dental fluorosis, a mineralization of the tooth enamel causing visual uneven coloring of the teeth. Based upon all of this data, it is clear that fluoride ingestion should be reduced or eliminated – not increased.

Oral fluoride “supplements” being illegally sold in major pharmacies

This range of so-called fluoride “supplements” includes sodium fluoride drops, tablets and lozenges. They are sold via prescription at major pharmacies despite never having been approved by the FDA.

Fluoride is NOT an essential nutrient, so it is disturbing to hear these products referred to as “supplements.” Referring to the oral intake of fluoride as preventative of cavities violates federal law because the FDA has never approved it for this purpose.

However, these products are being prescribed to millions of children across the U.S. and are still on the shelves at Walgreen’s, CVS, Rite Aid and Wal Mart. These unapproved drugs need to be removed from store shelves!

The Fluoride Action Network has sent this letter to the CEO of Walgreens.

Your voice can help spur business owners to do the right thing

The Fluoride Action Network has filed a petition asking the FDA to ban all fluoride supplements from the market.  Add your voice by signing the petition here.


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