Study: Flu vaccine linked to increased risk of respiratory infections

(NaturalHealth365) Makers of the flu vaccine claim receiving it decreases the risk of getting sick due to the triggering of antibody development in the body. However, a Chinese study reveals quite the opposite.
Researchers in Hong Kong have found that in addition to actually increasing the risk of flu, receiving the flu vaccine also raises the risk of getting a respiratory infection by 5.5 times. The study was published in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases.
Stringent double-blind study shows disturbing side effects of flu vaccine
While research on the side effects of the flu vaccine have been lacking in the U.S., Chinese researchers have been more active about looking into the possible side effects of flu shot. This recent study conducted in Hong Kong looked at vaccinated versus unvaccinated subjects and how they fared health-wise.
In the study, the seasonal trivalent flu vaccine was tested for side effects of flu shot. What makes this effort particularly noteworthy is the fact that it was a double-blind placebo-controlled trial. While some subjects received the flu vaccine, others received saline solution – a truly inactive and neutral placebo. This is in contrast to many vaccine trials that use what are called “active” placebos, which contain some of the substances used in the vaccines.
Flu vaccine found to increase odds of getting the flu, respiratory infection
The trial studied the effects of the vaccine on children aged 6 to 15 years. The subjects who were administered the flu vaccine received Sanofi Pasteur’s Vaxigrip. The others received a saline solution placebo. All subjects were tracked for an average of 272 days.
The researchers ultimately concluded that regarding effectiveness against influenza, there was no difference between those who received the vaccine and those who received the saline solution placebo. However, a look at the study numbers reveals that cases of influenza were actually higher in the vaccinated group, with 116 kids coming down with the flu versus 88 in the placebo group.
Swine flu and other respiratory infection types are possible side effects of flu shot
Adding to the bad news is the fact that the vaccine group became 5.5 times more likely to come down with a respiratory illness. These kids showed high incidents of the Swine flu, the common cold (Rhinovirus), Coxsackie/Echovirus and other viruses.
The implications of this study are very serious. They suggest that getting a flu shot not only increases the risk of influenza, but also reduces immunity to respiratory viruses. The act of injecting antigens in the body seems to damage the immune response, rendering people more vulnerable to disease.
Side effects of flu shot and other vaccines call for far more research
We are all encouraged to get our flu shots every year, and many jobs in health professions require them. However, this study adds to the mountain of evidence that vaccines are not a panacea for health. In some cases, they are quite the contrary.
Meanwhile, big pharma and organizations like the CDC, FDA, NIH, the international WHO and the Gates Foundation continue to push a vaccine agenda forward. Are profits without proper assessment of side effects really worth such high risks and consequences to human health?