Government health officials attack Scottish superstar after he warned that the flu shot contains mercury

(NaturalHealth365) Government health officials in the UK and big pharma reps were in full damage control mode after superstar DJ Calvin Harris expressed his views about vaccines. He was trying to warn the public about the dangers linked to vaccines – especially the flu shot.
Harris took to the popular social media platform Twitter to say that the flu vaccine is a “neurotoxin shot” that’s “full of mercury.” The fact that the famous DJ has 12.7 million Twitter followers is likely a big factor in why big pharma paid attention to his statements.
Influential DJ silenced by big pharma over flu shot concerns
Public Health England stepped in quickly to deny these claims, with various health experts speaking up on their behalf. Calvin Harris has since deleted all of his tweets on the subject of the flu shot and their vaccine side effects.
Clearly, big pharma damage control sent their paid experts in quickly to squash this story and reiterate the narrative that vaccines are safe and effective. However, flu shots still do contain toxic mercury and other ingredients that can cause neurological damage plus a host of other problems.
The truth about vaccine dangers is even being talked about in the mainstream media. For example, on the Dr. Oz show, Dr. Mark Hyman and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. talked about their concerns over thimerosal – which is really mercury.
Of course, if you want to avoid any and all the risks associated with getting a flu shot – look into the many natural ways to support a health immune system.
More and more people are waking up to the truth about vaccines
The bottom line? Thimerosal is a highly-toxic vaccine additive and we can’t forget all the other unwanted (horrible) ingredients inside so many vaccinations like, aluminum. Aluminum is a known neurotoxin that can cause numerous vaccine side effects – including neurological and immunological damage.
Calvin Harris was right in his statements about the dangers of vaccines – especially within the flu shot. His high profile and substantial number of followers on Twitter clearly made him a serious threat to the pharmaceutical industry.
And, obviously, he was pressured to remove his tweets and stay silent on the subject in the face of tremendous ‘coaching’ by the powers that be – those self-serving vaccine industry representatives that have little regard for public safety.
Fortunately, the public is waking up to the dangers of vaccines despite the efforts to suppress this information. Many people are now aware of the risks posed by vaccines, and this information continues to spread – on a grassroots level.
While those in positions of influence like Calvin Harris can awaken large groups of people quickly, this information is already is gaining significant ground within the public consciousness.
Think for yourself: ALWAYS strive to support a healthy immune system
The best alternative to getting a flu shot is to do all you can to keep your immune system strong and healthy throughout the year. For example, eating plenty of antioxidant-rich (organic) fruits and vegetables; consuming high-quality nutritional supplements like, vitamin C and D; reducing your exposure to artificial EMF pollution; getting “grounded;” staying well-hydrated and maintaining an active lifestyle can go a long way toward protecting your life.
Despite what you’ve been told by Western medicine, there are so many ways to stay healthy. We, at NaturalHealth365, continue to support (and encourage) the effort to discover what works best for you. Make changes to your diet and lifestyle (today) and experience the difference you can make. (you’ll be glad you did it)
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