TERRIBLE idea: FDA green lights pork meat from gene-edited pigs into human food supply

fda-allows-gene-edited-pigs-in-food-supply(NaturalHealth365)  The “high-tech” future envisioned in the science fiction flicks and novels of “yesteryear” is now a reality.  Take a close look at the labeling of the food in your refrigerator, freezer, or pantry, and you might find some items have been genetically modified.  Such foods, referred to as GMOs, were created to remain fresh longer than non-GMO food.  GMO food also retains its original color instead of fading to an unsightly brown hue.

For the uneducated, GMO food may seem to have some merit, but if you delve beyond the surface to develop a deeper understanding of what genetic modification is really all about …  you would be much less enthusiastic about this so-called breakthrough in food science.  It is particularly concerning that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) permits pork meat from genetically edited pigs to be added to our food supply.

Here is why GMO food, including pork, is a terrible addition to your diet – despite what the FDA may tell you

Again, for the uneducated, GMO foods appear to have a certain “value” – especially to those who are science and tech-oriented, yet its flaws outweigh its supposed merits.  The consumption of genetically modified pigs is unnatural and unhealthy.

In reality, the FDA has turned a blind eye to the globalist agenda to change the way food is produced and gave the green light to gene-edited livestock.  We simply can not ignore the fact that a genetically manipulated pig is experimental Frankenmeat, and the smart choice would be to opt for good old-fashioned (100%) grass fed meat products, if you decide to eat them at all.

Even healthy meat substitutes such as organic tempeh would be a better option over genetically engineered pigs.

The bottom line is no one is certain that gene-editing technology is safe.  Genetically modified pig meat may compromise human DNA or even alter the cellular structure.

CRISPR and meat production: Enhancing livestock genetics at the expense of consumer safety

The technology behind gene editing, CRISPR, short for Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats, functions as molecular clippers that splice sequences of DNA, substituting new segments in their place.  The twisted logic behind using gene editing for meat production is that it “enhances” livestock genetics.  Such selective breeding sets the stage for modified pigs to reproduce piglets with traits from a different male pig.

Genetic editing eliminates a pig’s NANOS2 male fertility gene, replacing it with a separate male pig’s stem cells that generate more desirable sperm.  However, such genetic modification alters pig DNA to the point that it might not be safe for human consumption, especially if consumed regularly for years or decades.  Tragically, the FDA does not seem to care about the long-term effects.

Tips to avoid GMO food: Go organic and embrace the DIY ethos

Choose 100% certified organic food, and you’ll chow down in full confidence, knowing your organic food does not contain harmful genetically engineered components.  Certified organic farmers strictly use 100% certified organic seeds without even slight laboratory manipulation.

If you dread the idea of reading the small print of food product packaging in a crowded store, give preference to organic vegetables and fruits.  The majority of fresh fruits and vegetables are non-GMO.  However, non-organic soy products, potatoes, summer squash, apples, papayas, and pink pineapples … as well as cornstarch, corn syrup, corn oil, soybean oil, canola oil, or granulated sugar are all most likely genetically modified.

Instead of becoming fully dependent on corporate grocery chains that carry GMO-laden food, adopt the do-it-yourself (DIY) ethos.  Plant a vegetable garden in your backyard.  Consider growing a vertical garden indoors for DIY herbs, spices, and veggies.  If you are pressed for time, shop locally at small, locally owned, non-corporate businesses, favoring those that carry non-GMO food products.

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