EMF dangers revealed: California hid ‘health guidelines’ document on safe cell phone use since 2010

(NaturalHealth365) It has come to light that a key document containing important guidelines regarding safe cell phone use has been kept from the public – especially the threat of EMF pollution. The California health department has potentially put millions of people at increased risk of cancer by hiding this document.
The guidelines were meant to enlighten the public about the risks of cell phone radiation and EMF exposure. The document contains best practices for avoiding harm and staying safe while using a cell phone.
Minimizing EMF exposure crucial to safe cell phone use
The document indicates that long-term cell phone use could increase the risk of brain cancer and other health issues. Some of the best practice recommendations include keeping cell phones as far away from the body as possible, using the speaker phone and hands-free devices, and keeping calls as short as possible.
These important guidelines were only released after a Sacramento Superior Court judge ordered their disclosure ahead of a news story set to be released by The Chronicle.
Lawyers for the California health department said the state believed releasing these guidelines would cause unnecessary public panic. They also said the two-page document hadn’t been formally approved by the agency and thus could not be made public.
At least 10 studies show tumor risk from cell phone radiation
Another excuse given by the California public health department for the delay in disclosure was that the CDC had said “more research was required” before verifying its claims. They believed they were not required to warn the public since the risks of EMF and cell phone radiation had “not been proven.”
However, numerous studies have established risks. At least 10 peer-reviewed research projects have found a link between long-term cell phone use and an increased risk of brain tumors. Cell phone radiation has also been connected with reproductive health problems in both women and men.
Public health researchers like Joel Moskowitz of UC Berkeley believe the release of this document when it was originally drafted – seven years ago – could have saved cell phone users numerous health complications and even saved lives. Moskowitz sued the California public health department in 2016 after his repeated requests for these guidelines in 2014 were stonewalled.
EMF exposure potentially devastating to the health of children
The guidelines detail the dangers of EMF, or electromagnetic fields emitted by cell phones. Just about everything electronic gives off EMFs, from wrist watches and X-ray machines to televisions and microwaves. While the EMF waves from cell phones aren’t any higher than what is emitted by a microwave, the fact that we keep them so close to our bodies for extended periods of time increases the risk.
Cell phone radiation affects the tissues of the body at a cellular level, weakening health and increasing cancer risk. EMF waves affect children and unborn babies even worse since their brains and tissues are still developing.
Releasing this document when it became available seven years ago could have reduced many of these risks. Not doing so amounts to a criminal act by the state of California.
Click here to read a copy of the 2010 California safe cell phone use guidelines.