Dire consequences: Common breast cancer drug raises diabetes risk

breast-cancer-drug(NaturalHealth365)  It is widely known that a poor diet and a sedentary lifestyle contribute to the onset of diabetes.  Few people would guess that Big Pharma also contributes to the nation’s growing diabetes problem.

A recent study highlights the potential for a common breast cancer drug to hike the risk of diabetes.  Let’s look at the dangers of the drug and the common adverse effects of cancer drugs as a whole.  By the way, we hope you’ll share this information with a family member or friend that you feel needs to know about the risk.

Beware of this common breast cancer drug

When considering the impacts of medications, staying informed is vital, especially if you have a family history of diabetes, a genetic predisposition to the condition, or are currently managing breast cancer.  Take, for instance, the oral cancer drug alpelisib, also known by its brand name, Piqray, which has been linked to elevated blood sugar levels in breast cancer patients.

Initially, alpelisib was developed to target the phosphoinositide 3-kinase protein responsible for regulating cell growth.  In cases where this protein is mutated, it promotes cancer progression.  Consequently, the United States Food and Drug Administration approved alpelisib for use in 2019.

This medication is typically administered in combination with the estrogen receptor blocker fulvestrant to treat metastatic breast cancer caused by mutations in the aforementioned protein.  However, the precision targeting of this protein using alpelisib can lead to hyperglycemia, increasing the risk of developing diabetes, along with potential complications such as dehydration and kidney damage.

A recent study published in the journal Cancer reveals that over 80% of patients receiving alpelisib as part of their standard care experienced hyperglycemia.  Alarmingly, 40% of these cases were severe.

In a clinical trial involving 100 participants using alpelisib, more than one-third encountered hyperglycemia, with 13% experiencing severe forms of the condition.  On average, it took only 16 days of alpelisib treatment for patients to be diagnosed with hyperglycemia.

Common adverse effects of cancer drugs

Big Pharma anticancer drugs, while trying to target cancer cells, can have widespread, often toxic effects on the entire body.  These medications are powerful, and their impact extends beyond just cancer cells.  Patients are rarely made aware of the potential adverse effects that can significantly affect their quality of life.

Here are some common adverse effects that highlight the systemic impact of these drugs:

  • Mouth sores
  • Hair loss
  • Heart problems
  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Toxified bone marrow

Cancer drugs that compromise bone marrow often lead to anemia and reduced resistance to infection.

Supercharge your defenses: 5 foods that shield against cancer

Protecting yourself from cancer is not just about your genes; your lifestyle choices can make a significant difference.  One of the most powerful tools at your disposal is your diet.  You can reduce your cancer risk by making smart choices about what you eat.  Here are five cancer-protective (organic) foods that you can easily incorporate into your meals and snacks:

  1. Berries – nature’s cancer fighters:  Berries like cranberries, blueberries, and blackberries are packed with flavonoids.  These natural compounds have the remarkable ability to neutralize cancer-causing enzymes that can harm your DNA.
  2. Dark leafy greens:  Foods like spinach, abundant in carotenoids, offer protection against cancers of the stomach, esophagus, and mouth.  These natural compounds act like shields for your body.
  3. Cruciferous veggie power:  Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, and other cruciferous vegetables contain glucosinolates.  These substances have cancer-fighting properties, making them a crucial addition to your diet.
  4. Wild-caught fatty fish for a strong defense:  Fatty fish are rich in fish oil and omega-3 fatty acids.  These nutrients act as guardians, helping prevent the formation of cancer tumors.
  5. An apple a day keeps cancer at bay:  Apples are more than just a delicious snack.  They contain vitamin C, a potent antioxidant that fights the growth of cancer cells.  Additionally, apples provide fiber and polyphenols that, in synergy with your gut microbes, enhance your body’s natural ability to combat cancer.

These foods are not just tasty additions to your diet but powerful allies in your fight against cancer.  Just remember to choose organic foods to avoid unwanted chemicals that stress the immune system.

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