How diabetes medications can put you at GREATER risk for a heart attack or stroke

(NaturalHealth365) Conventionally speaking, diabetes medications are designed to help ‘manage’ blood sugar levels. But, in reality, certain drugs actually raise the risk of a heart attack and stroke, according to a new study.
Published in JAMA Network Open, the study was done by experts from Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. Researchers worked to determine whether there was an association between second-line (not the first drug of choice) diabetes medications and cardiovascular events, such as stroke, heart attack and heart failure.
Researchers conducted the study by examining 132,737 patients diagnosed with type 2 diabetes who were beginning a second-line treatment like basal insulin or sulfonylureas. Keep in mind, second line medications are generally prescribed to patients with type 2 diabetes when first-line medications – like metformin – fail to work.
Researchers reveal: Certain diabetes medications raise the risk of a cardiovascular event
When researchers analyzed the results of their study, they discovered that 60% of patients prescribed second-line drugs are given either basal insulin or sulfonylureas. The results showed that patients taking one of those two medications have an increased likelihood of experiencing a cardiovascular event than patients prescribed newer diabetes medications.
Patients taking basal insulin were twice as likely to experience stroke and heart attack, while those prescribed sulfonylureas were 36% more likely to experience some type of cardiovascular event.
FACT: Heart disease is the leading cause of death in patients with type 2 diabetes
According to a study published in Diabetes Care, the leading cause of mortality and morbidity in patients with type 2 diabetes is heart disease. Oddly enough, one of the goals of diabetic medications is to help reduce the risk of heart disease in patients with diabetes.
However, this new study uncovering the cardiovascular risks of certain medications will (hopefully) change the way doctors prescribe these risky drugs.
Currently, doctors choose medications based on the expected glycemic improvement, the risks of the drug, and various other factors. With new findings showing the risk of sulfonylureas and basal insulin, some experts suggest that cardiovascular harm should be considered when prescribing second-line therapies for diabetes.
Natural ways to prevent type 2 diabetes and avoid blood sugar spikes
To be perfectly clear, it’s crucial for diabetic patients to work closely with a trusted, integrative healthcare provider. Remember, if your doctor is only conventionally-trained – you shouldn’t expect anything more than ‘a pill for every ill’ treatment options.
The truth is: there are many natural (non-toxic) ways to keep your blood sugar balanced throughout the day. There are a few really obvious suggestions – from avoiding processed sugars (and artificial sweeteners) to exercising more and eating more fiber.
But, there’s so much more that can be done.
Here’s just a few science-backed, natural ways to prevent diabetes and avoid those dangerous blood sugar spikes:
- Maqui berry can help to control blood sugar, and studies show it can actually lower glucose levels by 15%
- Milk thistle not only combats liver disease, but it has also been shown to help stabilize blood sugar
- Eating lentils is a great way to reduce blood sugar levels by up to 35%
- Adding broccoli sprouts to your diet will lower the risk of diabetes
- And, let’s not forget, the importance of raising your vitamin D levels, according to research
If you’re a regular reader of NaturalHealth365, we know you understand that no drug – especially diabetes medications – will ever address the true cause of any disease. That’s why it’s so important to find a way to change your lifestyle – in an appropriate way – to bring about the results you want.
When you get it right, it’s hard to describe (in words) the joy you’ll experience, in feeling better!
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