Warning: Toxic chemicals in dental crowns from China

(NaturalHealth365) No one wants elevated levels of toxic chemicals in their homes or their bodies. However, it is estimated that tens of thousands of Americans could have crowns and other dental components in their mouths that contain toxic chemicals. Many of these items are imported from China and other Asian countries.
Unfortunately, reports of products from China containing dubious materials and ingredients are nothing new. Salt, pepper and even foods like rice have been found to contain inedible components such as plastic, dirt and toxic chemicals. Discount building material supplier Lumber Liquidators was caught selling Chinese flooring products containing high levels of the toxic chemical formaldehyde, a known carcinogen.
Do your dental crowns contain lead or toxic chemicals?
Now there is reason to doubt the safety of crowns and other dental components imported from China. In another case of “you get what you pay for,” discounted dental crowns from China have been found to contain lead and toxic chemicals that are potentially harmful to the human nervous system.
An Ohio woman had her dental bridge tested and found that it contained alarmingly high levels of lead. Although installed by a U.S. dentist, the bridge itself came from a dental lab in China. Other crowns from Chinese labs tested for lead have been found in some cases to have lead concentrations of nearly 500 parts per million. This is five times higher than the 100 ppm limit set for childrens’ toys sold in the U.S. after high levels of lead were found in Chinese imports.
Chinese labs not held to same standards as U.S. labs
In addition to lead, beryllium and cadmium have been detected in supposedly all-ceramic dental crowns imported from several Asian countries. A UK report discusses a surge of Chinese crowns entering England that are of dubious origins and materials. There is clearly a tremendous amount of carelessness and lack of oversight where these Asian dental components are concerned.
In the U.S., the FDA can investigate and inspect any dental lab in operation. Strict laws are in place here that govern and oversee the contents of dental components such as crowns, bridges and dentures. Based upon their track record in food and building materials, it is doubtful that China has such standards and safeguards in place.
Buyer beware – you get what you pay for
U.S. dentists admit that using Chinese labs instead of U.S. labs allows them to pay as little as one-fifth of what local labs typically charge. Few dentists pass the savings along to clients, and the patient leaves with a mouthful of potentially harmful toxic chemicals and components. The dental offices that do offer deep discounts on crowns are likely importing them from China.
All crowns, bridges, dentures and other cosmetic additions are not created alike. When getting dental work, it’s crucial to find out what exactly is being put into your mouth. You have the right to inquire about where dental components have been made and the materials it contains. If a dentist refuses to share this information, this is a major red flag. Find a dentist who uses only safe dental components from trusted U.S.-based labs.
Editor’s note: Don’t let your dentist ruin your health. Click here to get INSTANT access to the Holistic Oral Health Summit and discover the best ways to improve oral health, prevent and reverse disease symptoms, and save thousands of dollars in unwanted medical expenses.