Defeat dementia naturally with some of the best nutrition on Earth, research confirms

(NaturalHealth365) Can we really prevent life-shattering illnesses such as dementia with natural health strategies? Breaking new science says that we can!
It’s estimated there are 5.8 million American’s living with Alzheimer’s, a debilitating illness that strips a person of their cognitive function and independence. Families suffer as they watch their loved ones slowly forget who they are.
According to the pharmaceutical industry and the media, ‘there is no cure.’ But, we now know that to be untrue. And, for those in doubt, just look up the work of Dale E. Bredesen, MD. But, there are many other physicians doing fantastic work in the area of neurodegenerative disease.
This common nutrition mistake revealed in elderly adults with dementia
This groundbreaking research explored the clear links within both Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia, as it relates to almost 3,000 participants. Scientists have researched the direct link between Alzheimer’s and a diet poor in foods like berries, tea, and apples for 20 years.
Contrary to popular media opinion, they found that a diet in these foods has a protective benefit against the onset of dementia.
They studied a number of different flavonoids found in plant molecules. Researchers found that a low intake in flavanols made a subject two times more likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease. A low intake in cyanins increased the chances of illness by four times. A low intake in flavonoid polymers made a subject twice as likely to develop Alzheimer’s or other dementia-related illnesses.
A 2017 survey in conjunction with the Alzheimer’s association studied the link between the disease and the dramatic impact it has on families. The survey reveals that 64% of people agree that it takes a village to care for a loved one with Alzheimer’s. But 84% of the main caregivers feel alone and wish they had more help.
This is a disease that tears apart families but can be prevented with informed health choices. Dementia causes devastation in families as they watch their loved ones lose their independence. The measures that prevent the onset of this illness must be made more available to the general public.
Are you at increased risk? Boost your cognition with these simple measures
You have an increased risk of dementia if you are over 65, a family history of dementia, or high cholesterol. By 2050, an estimated 16 million Americans will be living with the disease. That’s almost three times greater than today’s statistics.
We cannot rely on a quick-fix “cure.” We must take charge of our health today.
Flavanols, cyanins, and flavonoid polymers are not difficult to integrate into your diet. The study focused on green tea, berries, apples, and pears as a source of flavonoids.
Other foods that can help are other teas (oolong, white and black), grapes, cocoa, broccoli, lettuce, cranberries, blackberries, kale, and tomatoes. For those who prefer to supplement with micronutrients, cocoa flavonol capsules will help you increase your flavonoid intake.
Flavonoids have antioxidant properties. Not only do they prevent Alzheimer’s, but they also decrease the risk of heart attack, high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes. This is yet another important reason to ensure you eat a flavonoid-rich diet with cardiovascular-related diseases accounting for one in four American deaths.
No doubt, the media spotlight is always on a “magic” pill or drug. This isn’t the first time preventative measures for dementia have slipped by underreported. Air pollution levels, exercise, and MCT (medium-chain triglycerides) are also scientifically proven to prevent dementia-related diseases.
So, let’s doing everything we can to prevent Alzheimer’s by eating a diet rich in these foods to release the burden a dementia-related disease could have on our families.
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