CoQ10 found to help stop the spread of melanoma

(NaturalHealth365) The enzyme CoQ10 has been found to have tremendous health benefits in fighting illnesses like breast cancer and heart disease. Despite minimal interest from the cancer establishment and mainstream media, this valuable antioxidant is saving lives. For example, studies have proven that CoQ10 benefits include prevention and recovery from a deadly form of cancer called melanoma.
A recent melanoma study looked at the inclusion of daily CoQ10 (400 mg) along with the immune boosting drug alpha interferon. Researchers found an incredible ten-fold lowered risk of metastasis in those who were taking CoQ10. Coq10 benefits were even stronger in patients with advanced cases of melanoma – these individuals had a 13 times lower risk of metastasis.
CoQ10 benefits include profound immune system support
Alpha interferon normally induces extremely severe side effects, but those taking CoQ10 had substantially fewer side effects from the immune system drug. However, one wonders is CoQ10 was actually doing most of the immune system boosting.
CoQ10 has also been found to slow tumor growth in cancer patients. Researchers believe this is due to its reduction of inflammation in the body, its suppression of vascular mechanisms in tumors, and its overall positive effects on the immune system.
The National Cancer Institute’s official policy is somewhat hopeful. However, it fixates on the possible side effects of the supplement, when in reality, these side effects are likely from mainstream treatments like chemotherapy drugs and radiation.
Why is supplementation important – especially as we age?
CoQ10, short for Coenzyme Q 10, is made naturally in the body and helps essential enzymes (proteins) to do their job. It is found throughout the body, but exists in higher concentrations in organs like the heart, kidneys, liver and pancreas. It is also an antioxidant that helps to protect cells from harmful, DNA-damaging free radicals. Unfortunately, levels of CoQ10 in the tissues and organs tend to diminish as people age.
Low levels of CoQ10 have been linked with cancers of the breast, lung, pancreas, prostate, kidney, colon, neck, and head. Myeloma and lymphoma sufferers have also been found to have low blood levels of CoQ10.
Important news about heart health and cancer risk
Studies have shown taking CoQ10 also reduces fatalities related to heart disease. After three months of CoQ10 supplementation, patients with heart disease demonstrated improved proBNP numbers related to stressed heart tissue. Researchers concluded daily CoQ10 use lowers the risk of fatal heart failure.
No serious side effects from taking CoQ10 have been reported. It should be noted that some drugs can reduce the effects of CoQ10, including those used to regulate blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar levels. CoQ10 may also change the way the blood thinners and insulin work in the body.
Bottom line: The main benefit of CoQ10 is its ability to boost and support the immune system. CoQ10 is easily taken in supplement form with ideal daily dosages ranging from 100 to 600 mg per day – depending on current health status and goals. Naturally, when dealing with a serious health issue, it’s always best to consult a trusted healthcare provider – to see what’s best for you.
Editor’s note: The NaturalHealth365 Store offers the finest quality CoQ10 on the market. Click here to order today.