Common chemical found in cans, toys and receipts threaten heart health

(NaturalHealth365) Are you noticing a frustrating trend in health and medicine that allows horrible common chemical ingredients and products to be replaced by other harmful items that turn out to be equally (if not more) dangerous?!
A perfect example: all those “fat-free” foods loaded with sugar and sodium. Another example? The “BPA-free” trend that’s given rise to a household chemical called bisphenol S, or BPS for short.
The backlash against BPA – an endocrine-disrupting chemical known to cause heart health problems among many other issues – triggered a widespread search for other chemicals that could be put into plastics and other commonplace items we use every day. But the idea that BPS is a “safer” alternative has recently been called into question by a recent study.
Chemical ALERT: New evidence suggests that bisphenol S – the “safer” alternative to BPA – damages heart health
The November 2019 study from Scientific Reports proved that heart function in mice becomes impaired after exposure to either BPA or BPS at a “physiologically relevant concentration” comparable to the level of exposure seen by humans.
In the study, hearts of live rodents were perfused with either BPA, BPS, or a placebo chemical. Both types of bisphenol subsequently led to impaired heart function, including slowed heart rate, depressed left ventricle contractility, and disrupted blood flow. These changes were especially prominent in female mice, which the researchers hypothesized was related to estrogen receptor activity.
Incredibly, the heart dysfunction effect occurred twice as fast when mice were exposed to bisphenol S compared to bisphenol A; “rapid” effects were seen just 5 minutes after BPS exposure, compared to 10 minutes following BPA exposure.
Evidence suggests that BPS is NOT a safer alternative to BPA
The “rapid” effect of BPS on rodent cardiac function is an important finding, the study’s authors say. Why? Because it shows that BPS can induce potentially harmful health effects even after a brief single exposure – the chemical doesn’t have to “build up” in your system or bioaccumulate in order to do damage.
Meanwhile, over 90 percent of people from a range of populations test positive for BPA. Now, thanks to a knee-jerk reaction to find an alterative to this dangerous household chemical, American consumers may be unwittingly exposing themselves and their families to yet another harmful toxin.
Indeed, BPS can be found in so many places in our daily lives: food containers, canned goods, child toys, and paper receipts (BPA can still be found in many of these, although it is banned from baby bottles by the Food and Drug Administration and banned in receipts by the European Commission).
3 alternatives to protect your health
Instead of buying into the marketing trends and buying BPA-free plastics, consider safer and more natural alternatives to products you use daily, such as:
- Glass and steel food containers
- Natural wooden toys
- Emailed (instead of printed) receipts
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