Solutions for chronic stress and digestive problems

(NaturalHealth365) For most people, the first thing that comes to mind when they think of the effect of chronic stress on health is higher rates of depression or anxiety. But a growing volume of research shows stress can affect more than mental and emotional health. It can take a toll on many systems of the human body, including the digestive system, leading to depressed immune function – which opens the door to chronic disease.
Learn how chronic stress threatens the digestive system and how to fix it. On the next NaturalHealth365 Talk Hour, Jonathan Landsman and Dr. Daniel Kalish will discuss how stress affects the gastrointestinal system, as well as the latest research on holistic solutions for adrenal fatigue and chronic stress. Join us for an informative show about the “Kalish Method” plus great tips on coping with stress and digestive system problems. (A valuable show for healthcare providers)
Simply sign up now for access to our free, weekly show by entering your email address and you’ll receive show times plus several great gifts!
Chronic stress has become a $300 billion problem in America
Studies have shown that as many as three out of every four doctors’ visits are due to stress-related conditions and over half of Americans rate their stress as moderate to high. Even more unsettling? Researchers have found that 44 percent of Americans say they feel more stressed year on year, with one out of five describing their stress as extreme.
Many factors are known to cause stress, with job pressure and financial woes topping the list. But scientists have also found a link between poor nutrition and chronic stress.
At the same time, the prevalence of digestive disorders is also on the rise, with approximately 70 million people known to be affected by some type of digestive disorder. Research has shown that stress not only affects humans emotionally, but can aggravate any health condition, including gastrointestinal problems, such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and gastroesophageal reflux disease.
Hidden stress triggers could be sabotaging your digestive health
You may not even be aware of how stress is affecting your body, according to Dr. Kalish. This is particularly true for so-called “hidden” stress, those stresses caused not by a life-altering event like death or divorce, but by the every-day inconveniences and challenges that most people face on a routine basis, from long commutes to work deadlines.
On the next NaturalHealth365 Talk Hour, Dr. Kalish reveals:
• What research tells us about chronic stress and functional medicine
• How stress affects digestion
• How stress and digestive problems impact quality of life and what to do about it
• How to solve digestive problems naturally
Simply sign up now for access to our free, weekly show and hear from Dr. Kalish on how stress impacts digestive health and the need for holistic approaches to chronic stress. Enter your email address and you’ll receive show times plus several great gifts!
This week’s guest: Dr. Daniel Kalish, a pioneer of functional medicine
Discover how chronic stress impacts your life and how you can rid yourself of digestive disorders – Sun. June 26
Dr. Daniel Kalish is a true pioneer – having developed his own model of functional medicine founded on 25 years of successful clinical results. Through The Kalish Institute’s educational programs, he has trained over 1,000 practitioners worldwide in The Kalish Method, which solves patient challenges through a proven lab-based approach. Graduates of The Kalish Institute include practitioners ranging from Dr. Mercola’s medical staff to Mayo Clinic and Cleveland Clinic physicians.
Dr. Kalish believes physical health is our platform for emotional and spiritual growth, and that we each have the ability to fully heal ourselves. He is dedicated to teaching both doctors and patients functional medicine philosophy and practices. Dr. Kalish and his team conduct functional medicine training programs, and work directly with patients to uncover the root causes of disease.
About the author: Jonathan Landsman is the host of, the NaturalHealth365 Talk Hour – a free, weekly health show – and the NaturalHealth365 INNER CIRCLE, a monthly subscription to the brightest minds in natural health and healing.
Reaching hundreds of thousands of people, worldwide, as a personal health consultant, writer and radio talk show host, Jonathan has been educating the public on the health benefits of an organic, non-GMO diet along with high-quality supplementation and healthy lifestyle habits, including exercise and meditation.