Discover the Cellular Medicine approach to lowering blood pressure

(NaturalHealth365) High blood pressure affects a stunning 40 percent of adults over the age of 24. And, as you know, it’s foundational to the premature death of millions of people – worldwide. However, the Cellular Medicine research of Dr. Matthias Rath is showing that a deficiency in certain key micronutrients is a root cause of this problem.
In many cases, simply correcting the deficiency can help to eliminate the threat of high blood pressure (naturally) – without the need for toxic medications.
Hypertension, commonly called high blood pressure, is particularly dangerous because it often has no symptoms. This is why it’s called “the silent killer.”
Got high blood pressure? Find out how Cellular Medicine can help
Since high blood pressure is often unnoticeable, getting regular blood pressure check ups is a good idea – especially as we age. The reading involves assessing two numbers: systolic to determine pressure level when the heart contracts, and diastolic to measure pressure as the heart relaxes.
Keep in mind, your blood pressure can (and will) vary throughout the day – depending on your stress and activity levels. But, normal (healthy) blood pressure readings are around 120/70 (or lower), and numbers higher than 140/90 are considered ‘hypertensive.’
Obviously, chronic excessive force of blood pressing against blood vessel walls takes a toll over time. High blood pressure strains all of the organs but is especially hard on the heart, kidneys and brain. This can increase the risk of heart attack, stroke and kidney disease.
High blood pressure can also strain the eyes and cause chronic dizziness and headaches.
Cellular Medicine treats high blood pressure naturally with micronutrients
Some of the main risk factors for high blood pressure include a lack of physical activity, being overweight or obese, being chronically stressed, and being a smoker.
Depleted levels of certain vitamins and micronutrients are also a hallmark of high blood pressure. Being under prolonged stress depletes the body’s reserves of vitamin C, in particular. Since the body cannot produce this micronutrient on its own, taking a supplement is usually a really good idea.
Blood pressure medications like diuretics and beta-blockers only address symptoms and fail to correct the root cause. The Cellular Medicine approach created by Dr. Rath addresses the micronutrient deficiencies at play in the condition of high blood pressure.
The five micronutrients – listed below – play an essential role in addressing and preventing high blood pressure:
Vitamin C. Helps to stabilize blood vessel walls and optimize blood viscosity and flow.
Arginine. An amino acid crucial to creating nitric oxide, which helps to optimize artery wall elasticity and blood pressure.
Magnesium. Helps with calcium assimilation, artery wall elasticity and general mineral balance.
Proline and Lysine. Key amino acids that protect artery walls and prevent atherosclerosis.
Dr. Rath freely gives his recommendations for daily intake of these and other key micronutrients. However, some people may require much more – in some cases, double or triple these amounts (or even higher).
For best results, check with an experienced, integrative physician to see what’s best for you.
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