Restoring cellular energy – The key to optimal health

(NaturalHealth365) When most people think about their health, they think in terms of symptoms and treatments. Conventional medicine promotes this way of thinking by merely focusing on outward signs of disease without much attention to the cause. The most obvious (important) area overlooked by Western medicine is cellular energy, according to Sally Schutz, M.D.
Our mitochondria are commonly known as the energy center of the cells. But even something as important as cellular energy is seldom taken into account when it comes to restoring and maintaining our health.
Discover the crucial connection between cellular energy and disease symptoms. On the next NaturalHealth365 Talk Hour, Jonathan Landsman and Sally Schutz, M.D. talk about the link between poor health and cellular energy plus, a precise plan to restore optimal health. This program is a MUST for anyone suffering with unwanted (chronic) health issues.
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Mitochondria: How low cellular energy can trigger disease symptoms
Mitochondria are commonly labeled as the ‘powerhouse’ of the cell. Their actions are like the digestive system, taking in nutrients, breaking them down and using the molecules from those nutrients to produce energy to be used by the cell. This biochemical process – on the cellular level – is known as cellular respiration. Many phases of cellular respiration occur in the mitochondria, which ensures the cell is provided with adequate energy.
Dr. Schutz helps her patients to discover the link between healthy mitochondria and overall health. Through a series of practices, including a healthy diet and exercise, she shows people how to restore the health of mitochondria – which, in turn, generates optimal health.
Bottom line: Without sufficient cellular energy, you can’t absorb nutrients well; brain function goes down and your emotional wellbeing will suffer. Join us for the next NaturalHealth365 Talk Hour with Jonathan Landsman and Dr. Sally Schutz, as we talk about simple (natural) ways to restore mitochondria function and overall wellbeing.
Simply sign up now for access to our FREE, weekly show by entering your email address and you’ll receive show times plus FREE gifts!
3 ways to maximize cellular energy and supercharge your life
By now, I”m sure you can appreciate the importance of cellular energy and how it’s directly connected to the health of your mitochondria performance. Ready for some good news? We already know how to repair and maintain the health of our mitochondria and improve our physical, mental and emotional health, including:
1, The diet, of course: Our next show will reveal the best foods to eat and why. If you can’t make it – at least you should make an effort to eat more (organic) plant-based foods.
2. Your daily habits: Jonathan Landsman and Dr. Schutz reveal the best non-food related lifestyle choices to support cellular energy. Our next show will give you a fresh perspective on life.
3. Your mindset: Don’t ever underestimate the power of your mind to influence your physical and emotional wellbeing. Want some ‘new’ ideas? Our next show will issue a serious warning about negative thinking and provide solutions for low energy levels.
Mitochondria function is critical to your overall health. Remember, maintaining optimal energy levels will help you to avoid every major disease, including infections like Lyme disease to cancer and everything in between.
Don’t miss this inspirational show – which reveals a road map back to health.
Our guest: Sally Schutz, M.D. is a retired surgeon and natural healthcare expert
Find out how to restore cellular energy naturally – Sun. May 8
Dr. Schutz is a board-certified ophthalmic surgeon who has always had a passion for alternative medicine, embracing spiritual, herbal, and quantum energy healing. She recently authored the book, “The Anti-Aging Miracles of Hemp Derived CBD Oil,” about non, psycho-active cannabis.
Dr. Schutz believes in helping patients create “bulletproof mindfulness,” a way of coaching those with chronic illness back to optimal health. She has moved professionally from a position of allopathic medicine with a focus on pharmaceuticals to natural products and products with a focus on quantum energy
About the author: Jonathan Landsman is the host of, the NaturalHealth365 Talk Hour – a free, weekly health show—and the NaturalHealth365 INNER CIRCLE, a monthly subscription to the brightest minds in natural health and healing.
Reaching hundreds of thousands of people, worldwide, as a personal health consultant, writer and radio talk show host, Jonathan has been educating the public on the health benefits of an organic, non-GMO diet along with high-quality supplementation and healthy lifestyle habits, including exercise and meditation.