CDC DECEPTION: Agency uses definition of “unvaxxed” to scare people into taking the jab

cdc-uses-deceptive-definition(NaturalHealth365) Ever heard the term “moving the goalposts?”  It means “unfairly altering the conditions or rules of a procedure during its course.”

Some might use this phrase to describe what’s been happening in Israel over the COVID shot.  It was recently announced by the Wall Street Journal and other outlets that Israeli officials no longer consider someone fully vaxxed if they have only received the initial two doses of the injection – instead, fully vaxxed people must have received the third booster shot, too!

Health freedom advocates raise legitimate concerns over this news: how many jabs must people take in order to comply with mandates and live freely in society?  Where and when will it end?  And are there examples here in the United States of officials changing definitions in order to fit their pandemic narrative and push the jab?

CDC misleads the public by claiming unjabbed people nearly 30 times more likely to be hospitalized with COVID than people who get the COVID shot – but just wait until you see how they define “unjabbed”

A recent study from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) looking at pandemic data from Los Angeles County concluded that people who have not received the COVID injection are 5 times as likely to become infected with SARS-CoV-2 and 29 times as likely to be hospitalized, compared to individuals who have gotten the jab.

However, you’ll notice when reading the study that unvaxxed people are defined as anyone who is within 2 weeks of their first dose of a COVID injection.  Here’s why people are calling this definition misleading:

If someone gets a COVID shot, then shortly thereafter tests positive for COVID-19 and ends up in the hospital or dies within two weeks of getting their injection, they are counted as an “unvaccinated” case.

Would such a death be reported to Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)?  Would there be any way to tell whether a person actually died of complications related to COVID-19 instead of complications from the injection itself?

The CDC’s definition of unjabbed people is misleading and is being used to support further COVID shot mandates, passports, and booster shots.  It also fails to capture the true number of deaths or serious injuries caused by the COVID shots.

To add more context to this story:  Natural immunity shown to be much more effective than immunity from injection

A recent article published in the Science magazine dropped some astounding news:

Research now suggests having natural immunity to SARS-CoV-2, the so-called virus that can cause COVID-19, is MORE effective than immunity garnered from an injection.  In fact, according to the data cited – which comes from a large Israeli study – people who are unjabbed and had been previously infected with SARS-CoV-2 were up to 13 times LESS likely to get infected with the Delta variant compared to vaxxed people who never got COVID-19.

To be clear, the conventional science admits: unjabbed, previously-infected people were also up to 13 times less likely than jabbed individuals to develop symptoms or require hospitalization in the rare case they did test positive COVID-19.

In other words, contracting the virus and then recovering from it – which will happen for at least 99.8% of people who test positive for COVID, despite the fear-based messaging you hear in the news – seems to be more beneficial for protecting you against the novel coronavirus than lining up for one, two, and eventually three injections.

Does this mean you should go out and try to get COVID-19?  Of course not!  But, the evidence continues to call into question the utility and efficacy of these shots as a way to protect your health.

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