Top 10 reasons to skip the flu shot
(NaturalHealth365) As surely as the calendar signals the change of seasons, the … Top 10 reasons to skip the flu shot
(NaturalHealth365) As surely as the calendar signals the change of seasons, the … Top 10 reasons to skip the flu shot
(NaturalHealth365) Here is the question of the day: What will you do … Health warning: What to do about forced vaccines
(NaturalHealth365) Health officials in England are telling parents their babies are likely … New vaccination campaign: Health officials admit more than half the babies will suffer side effects
(NaturalHealth365) Once again, a vaccination that parents are being pressured into for … New Study: Chickenpox vaccine doubles the risk of shingles
(NaturalHealth365) For decades, there has been a global effort put forth to … Vaccinated man has been shedding deadly mutated live polio virus for 28 years
(NaturalHealth365) Few people can dismiss the fact that food allergies have steeply … Vaccines linked to life threatening food allergies
(NaturalHealth365) While parents across the country are led to believe they are … Vaccines deliver 4,925 mcg of aluminum by 18 months, safe limit is 25 mcg
(NaturalHealth365) Mandatory vaccination bills have dominated news headlines – especially in California, … Anti-vaccine activists being targeted by big pharma hit squad
(NaturalHealth365) Lyme disease is a toxic inflammatory condition that has been attributed … Lyme disease symptoms fueled by vaccines
(NaturalHealth365) It is a story that is becoming all-too-common: parents provide permission … HPV vaccine linked to debilitating illness in teenage girls
(NaturalHealth365) It’s a shocking statistic and one the medical community wishes you … Health clinic closed after jabbing children with incorrect vaccines
(NaturalHealth365) Sadly, millions of people have been brainwashed into believing that infectious … Homeoprophylaxis proven more effective than conventional vaccines