USDA killing kittens for medical experiments, congressman calls for investigation
(NaturalHealth365) Are you opposed to animal testing? If so, you’ll be horrified … USDA killing kittens for medical experiments, congressman calls for investigation
(NaturalHealth365) Are you opposed to animal testing? If so, you’ll be horrified … USDA killing kittens for medical experiments, congressman calls for investigation
(NaturalHealth365) In an alarming revelation, it has come to light that government … FDA found glyphosate in nearly all foods tested and hid the results
(NaturalHealth365) Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease is a condition most commonly associated with … Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease on the rise in kids as young as 8 years old
(NaturalHealth365) It’s becoming increasingly clear that a balance of gut bacteria in … Loss of gut bacteria diversity increases risk of chronic disease
(NaturalHealth365) Most of us have heard of second hand smoke, but have … Third hand smoke destroys liver and brain health that worsens over time
(NaturalHealth365) In 2015, the movie Concussion, starring Will Smith, brought the issue … New study: Roundup weed killer linked to LOWER brain function
(Naturalhealth365) Why do some people become ill after exposure to pathogens, while … Top scientists clueless about the immune system and how to avoid infection
(Naturalhealth365) With one in four adults in the United States suffering from … Genes and genetic testing – The revealing truth
(NaturalHealth365) Before I cover the premise of water having a memory, I … Does water have a memory and if so how might its memories help animals, humans and plants
(NaturalHealth365) Monsanto – ‘the most hated company in America’ – is not … Just released: Monsanto secret documents expose scientific manipulation and collusion with corrupted EPA officials
(NaturalHealth365) A eucalyptus tree genetically engineered to withstand freezing temperatures may be … USDA ignores risk to blanket the south with genetically engineered flammable tree species
(NaturalHealth35) Full disclosure: If you prefer to keep your sense of reality … The Mandela Effect: Is it bad memory or an alternate reality?