Are “gain-of-function” experiments the source of the COVID-19 pandemic?
(NaturalHealth365) Where did COVID-19 really come from? Did it originate, as popular … Are “gain-of-function” experiments the source of the COVID-19 pandemic?
(NaturalHealth365) Where did COVID-19 really come from? Did it originate, as popular … Are “gain-of-function” experiments the source of the COVID-19 pandemic?
(NaturalHealth365) When the current global pandemic began, first there were concerns about … CDC COVID test kits are inaccurate, shocking results revealed in a NEW study
(NaturalHealth365) The rollout of 5G wireless networks has been met with an … 5G can actually CREATE coronavirus within human cells, NEW study
(NaturalHealth365) If we are to believe the latest Florida COVID-19 stats, then … Scandal: Florida COVID testing labs are over inflating the positive results
(NaturalHealth365) Could a common drug called Budesonide really offer an effective, safe, … Breaking NEWS: Texas doctor claims he discovered effective and inexpensive solution for COVID-19
(NaturalHealth365) We’ve heard a lot about COVID-19 and its respiratory effects. Most … Scientists learning COVID is not just a respiratory virus
(NaturalHealth365) It’s amazing to watch Big Pharma officials try to dance around … Scientist developing plant-based edible vaccine for COVID-19
(NaturalHealth365) While the COVID pandemic isn’t owning the headlines quite as forcefully … Are they serious? Reports suggest a flu virus with “pandemic potential”
(NaturalHealth365) Is the Orwellian future really here? We are seeing the frightening … Security ALERT: Immunity passport technology gaining traction and raising serious ethical concerns
(NaturalHealth365) Back in 2005, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) published an … Breaking NEWS: NIH researchers reveal lifesaving potential of coronavirus drug, yet the mainstream media is silent about its potential
(NaturalHealth365) The market is being flooded with blood tests designed to check … Flawed COVID-19 testing: About half of all antibody test results are inaccurate, according to the CDC
(NaturalHealth365) Here’s a reasonable assumption: if it’s unlikely for an asymptomatic carrier … World Health Organization scrambling to save credibility: Recants admission that asymptomatic spread of COVID-19 is “very rare”