Category Archives: Politics and Health

Australian government says that yoga, naturopathy and Pilates will not benefit your health, bans private health insurance rebates

(NaturalHealth365) The Australian government has just launched another salvo in the battle Australian government says that yoga, naturopathy and Pilates will not benefit your health, bans private health insurance rebates

Researcher discovers a BIG problem with aluminum in vaccines and his peer-reviewed study gets ‘withdrawn’ from a medical journal

(NaturalHealth365) Aluminum in vaccines is a growing concern – and for good Researcher discovers a BIG problem with aluminum in vaccines and his peer-reviewed study gets ‘withdrawn’ from a medical journal

New bill seeks to override doctors and give power to the state to decide medical exemptions for vaccines in California

(NaturalHealth365) The pharmaceutical industry – with the help of politicians – continue New bill seeks to override doctors and give power to the state to decide medical exemptions for vaccines in California