COVID shots 1,433 times more likely to cause cancer than flu shots
(NaturalHealth365) Big Pharma and the federal government continue to peddle more and … COVID shots 1,433 times more likely to cause cancer than flu shots
(NaturalHealth365) Big Pharma and the federal government continue to peddle more and … COVID shots 1,433 times more likely to cause cancer than flu shots
(NaturalHealth365) Exercise your critical thinking skills, take yourself back to your pre-pandemic … Breathing trouble: Red alert about a censored health truth
(NaturalHealth365) As time progresses, more people recognize that Big Government uses false … Will you comply? Governments prepare for next round of national emergencies to justify unconstitutional interventions
(NaturalHealth365) As time progresses, more people are waking up and realizing that … Mainstream media ignores skyrocketing cardiac arrest rates among fit and healthy
(NaturalHealth365) Let’s envision a truth-teller in the year 2020 passionately insisting that … Bombshell: All mRNA COVID shot recipients suffer heart damage, according to a new Swiss study
(NaturalHealth365) It is well-known that kids’ developing immune systems put them at … Kids die at ALARMING rate following COVID injection, UK data confirms
(NaturalHealth365) More and more parents are responding with a resounding “No!” when … More parents say no to childhood vax mandates, demand right to choose
(NaturalHealth365) Those willing to step out of the mainstream news cycle and … SHOCKING evidence: COVID shots are “toxic by design,” made with clear intent-to-harm
(NaturalHealth365) The United States went through a tumultuous 2022. As if the … United States suffers SHOCKING 350k excess deaths in 2022, CDC data shows
(NaturalHealth365) Although it may seem as if the world was completely blind … European Parliament member demands accountability for COVID tyranny and lies
(NaturalHealth365) The COVID shot was originally touted as Big Pharma’s greatest achievement … More of this, please! Governor DeSantis to hold COVID shot makers accountable for false claims
(NaturalHealth365) Despite the emotional and physical toll it takes on women, doctors … Big mistake: Western medicine performs double mastectomy when not needed