Constipation solution: Discover how Triphala can help to detoxify your body
(NaturalHealth365) If you suffer from sluggish bowel function (in a word, constipation), … Constipation solution: Discover how Triphala can help to detoxify your body
(NaturalHealth365) If you suffer from sluggish bowel function (in a word, constipation), … Constipation solution: Discover how Triphala can help to detoxify your body
(NaturalHealth365) Imagine sitting down to a delicious meal, savoring each bite, unaware … Table salt danger: Study finds heightened risk of gastric cancer with regular consumption
(NaturalHealth365) New research highlights a remarkable array of beet juice benefits, including the … Beet juice helps heart failure patients improve quality of life
(NaturalHealth365) Currently, in the United States alone, nearly 120 million adults have … Common blood pressure drug significantly increases risk of skin cancer
(NaturalHealth365) Nearly half of adults in the United States (47%, or 116 … Sauna bathing LOWERS risk of heart disease, according to scientific research
(NaturalHealth365) Minor lifestyle changes can make a world of difference when it … Slash your risk of dementia-related death by making this simple dietary change
(NaturalHealth365) Many people fear the threat of death from a heart attack, … Reduce the risk of blood clots – naturally
(NaturalHealth365) While it’s been known that citrus fruit is an important part … Eating citrus fruits can help prevent obesity-related diseases
(NaturalHealth365) As you know, Western medicine relies heavily on antibiotics to treat … Guard against bacteria and fungi with THIS natural defender
(NaturalHealth365) Gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD, affects 15 to 30 percent of … Discover a common cause of poor digestion and nutrient absorption
(NaturalHealth365) For about a century now, prominent researchers have been attesting to … Chronic disease caused by undiagnosed oral infections
(Naturalhealth365) Cancer prevention is on everyone’s mind. Of course, other diseases like … An overlooked trace mineral for cancer prevention and bone health