Doing this one activity can IMPROVE your body and mind
(NaturalHealth365) Whether you have a green thumb or are fearful of fauna, … Doing this one activity can IMPROVE your body and mind
(NaturalHealth365) Whether you have a green thumb or are fearful of fauna, … Doing this one activity can IMPROVE your body and mind
(NaturalHealth365) If the dreaded “freshman 15” weight gain is a real issue for … Ready to shed those “pandemic pounds?” Here are 5 simple hacks to get moving more during lockdown
(NaturalHealth365) There may not be one single best exercise for depression, but … COMPELLING evidence shines light on all-natural way to boost your mood
(NaturalHealth365) As many people have noticed over the past year, government and … Want to build a robust immune system? Even 20 minutes of exercise can help
(NaturalHealth365) Looking for a super simple way to assess whether your heart … Can you do this in 90 seconds? If not, you may have heart health problems, NEW study
(NaturalHealth365) A new study published in the International Journal of Cancer might just … New study: LOWER the risk of cancer by exercising at the “right time” of the day
(NaturalHealth365) We already know that Americans tend to spend a lot of … NEW study reveals why stretching is more important than ever, due to COVID “stay-at-home” restrictions
(NaturalHealth365) Metabolic syndrome is a lifestyle-related illness that has a massive negative … Why metabolic syndrome is now more deadly than ever
(NaturalHealth365) Even before we all had to shelter in place due to … Prevent health damage with a 4-second exercise habit
(NaturalHealth365) Thinking about adding a new exercise to your routine in the … How yoga can change your brain
(NaturalHealth365) Ecotherapy. Nature therapy. Green exercise. Tree hugging. Yes, being active in natural spaces … A 10-Minute Walk in Nature Reduces Stress, Anxiety, and Depression
(NaturalHealth365) Hot yoga – in the “strict sense” – usually involves a … The surprising benefits of hot yoga