Common chemical found in cans, toys and receipts threaten heart health
(NaturalHealth365) Are you noticing a frustrating trend in health and medicine that … Common chemical found in cans, toys and receipts threaten heart health
(NaturalHealth365) Are you noticing a frustrating trend in health and medicine that … Common chemical found in cans, toys and receipts threaten heart health
(NaturalHealth365) Most people think about outdoor pollution when the topic of air … Why burning the wrong candle could destroy your health
(NaturalHealth365) As you probably know, exposure to heavy metals like mercury and … IQ loss WARNING: Researchers reveal problem with flame retardants and pesticides
(NaturalHealth365) Nearly a third of all pesticides used in the world are … Common pesticides increase the risk of all-cause mortality
(NaturalHealth365) Traveling by airplane comes with many of its own headaches and … Shocking lawsuit: Toxic airline industry uniforms makes it hard to breathe
(NaturalHealth365) It’s hard to find a reason not to eat garlic. Aside from … Buyer beware: Eating Chinese garlic is a risky health decision
(NaturalHealth365) At least twice this year we’ve reported on the damaging health … Outrageous! U.S. government says verdict in Bayer Roundup court case should be reversed
(NaturalHealth365) Have you heard of epigenetics? This is an exciting field of … These household chemicals are the biggest threats to your family’s health
(NaturalHealth365) Drinking soda is an incredibly “normal” behavior – right? In fact, … Is drinking soda really as bad as smoking cigarettes?
(NaturalHealth365) Experts estimate that there are literally tens of thousands of unregulated … Hormone WARNING: What common chemicals are doing to your body
(NaturalHealth365) Is air pollution really getting worse? Yes, according to data shared … Surprising link found between air pollution and Alzheimer’s disease
(NaturalHealth365) Sit down on your furniture, and you’re planting yourself right in … Common fire retardant increases the risk of antisocial behavior, study reveals