Weed killer causes Parkinson’s Disease, 600+ lawsuits allege
(NaturalHealth365) The Chinese-owned agrochemical company – Syngenta – based in Switzerland, has … Weed killer causes Parkinson’s Disease, 600+ lawsuits allege
(NaturalHealth365) The Chinese-owned agrochemical company – Syngenta – based in Switzerland, has … Weed killer causes Parkinson’s Disease, 600+ lawsuits allege
(NaturalHealth365) We have been driving cars for over 100 years. While there … Exposure to leaded car exhaust during childhood lowered IQ of millions of Americans, new study suggests
(NaturalHealth365) Do you ever wonder what is in your food? Most people … Report reveals SHOCKING level of glyphosate contamination in foods sold by top grocery stores
(NaturalHealth365) When you think of clean eating, chances are salmon immediately springs … Worse than junk food? Studies show farmed salmon among most toxic foods on planet
(NaturalHealth365) In acknowledging the potential health problems associated with drinking, the U.S. … NEW STUDY: Bad news even for “light” alcohol drinkers
(NaturalHealth365) Pain pills are narcotics, which are meant to provide relief from … Pain pills INCREASE the risk of pain, addiction and premature death
(NaturalHealth365) When bisphenol-A, or BPA, came on the radar as a serious … BPA-free substitutes linked to increased risk of heart disease, study suggests
(NaturalHealth365) Most of us take our cars for granted. We fill them … HEALTH ALERT: Research finds car interiors contain toxic soup of chemicals
(NaturalHealth365) According to Worldometer, the globe has seen more than 390 million … How accurate is the COVID death count? THIS multifaceted approach was used to drive up the numbers
(NaturalHealth365) Over the past 70 years, the consumption of highly processed foods … WARNING: Popular food additive greatly INCREASES the risk of chronic disease
(NaturalHealth365) Honey bees have been under attack for over a decade, yet … DEADLY cocktails: Pesticide combinations decimate record number of bees, far more than previously thought
(NaturalHealth365) According to new statistics released by the U.S. Centers for Disease … New study links common pesticide to chronic kidney disease