Natural relief for carpal tunnel syndrome

carpal-tunnel-syndrome(NaturalHealth365) Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is one of the most common conditions affecting the nerves in the hand. In fact, according to the U.S. Department of Labor, “carpel tunnel syndrome may affect as many as 1.9 million people, and 300,000 to 500,000 surgeries are performed each year to correct this condition.”

Most cases of CTS develop in people who are between 45-64 years of age.

Conventionally speaking, CTS is thought of as a progressive process – which occurs because the nerve in the wrist has become compressed or swollen or both.  And, although with proper care this problem can be eliminated (naturally), “carpal tunnel release” is one of the most commonly performed surgical procedures in the United States and usually recommended, if symptoms last for 6 months or longer.

What are the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome

The symptoms can include all or just some of these; pain in the palm of the hand, pain in the wrist, numbness in the hand, tingling of the hand, weakness and a loss of grip strength, with a loss of hand coordination.

Usually, symptoms can get worse by using the hand, after sleeping or any movement that requires flexing of the hand. Regardless of the symptoms, it is still the same nerve causing the discomfort.

The median nerve controls the sensations to the palm side of the thumb and all fingers except the little finger. It also controls the impulse of a few of the small muscles in the hand, which allows the fingers and thumb the ability to move.

Symptoms usually come on gradually, which may be most prominent in the thumb, index and middle fingers.

What cause carpal tunnel syndrome?

CTS can be brought on by a number of factors. It is usually a combination of things, which combine to increase pressure on the median nerve and tendons, rather than the nerve itself.

Contributing factors may include trauma to the wrist, sprains, fractures, hypothyroidism, rheumatoid arthritis, structural problems with the wrist joint, edema, diabetes, repetitious movements, and over-activity of the pituitary gland or a cyst.

The risk of developing carpal tunnel syndrome is especially common in people who perform assembly line or repetitive work such as: meat, poultry or fish packing, sewing, cleaning, knitting, gardening, checkout cashier, and of course, computer keyboard/mouse work.

By the way, workers using vibrating hand tools (repeatedly) have an increased risk of carpal tunnel syndrome.

The best way to treat carpal tunnel symptoms

The aims of treatments are to reduce pressure on the median nerve, thus relieving symptoms. People with mild symptoms respond best and find they improve even without much treatment in less than a few months.

Many of the recommendations can be done by the patient. The standard advice is to rest the hand and wrist, use hot (or cold) compacts, and to use a wrist splint.

The medications used are steroid injections applied directly into the area. These injections can be given again in a few months. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin or ibuprofen sometimes help for short-term relief.

In cases of severe carpel tunnel syndrome, which didn’t respond to standard treatments, surgery is usually recommended. The carpal ligament is cut to reduce pressure on the median nerve.  And, keep in mind, this is all “conventional wisdom.”

A survey by the National Health Service found that only about 50% thought the procedure cured them, while 25% said their symptoms improved and at least 25% were not helped. In addition, unfavorable outcomes ranging from nerve injury and scarring were reported.

Occasionally, the wrist loses strength because the carpal ligament is cut. Patients should undergo physical therapy after surgery to restore wrist strength. Some patients may need to adjust job duties or even change jobs after recovery from surgery.

But, wait!  There is another way to get rid of CTS – safely and effectively

Pain in the wrist, numbness in the fingers, tingling, and weakness in the hands can be caused by median nerve compression somewhere other than the wrist. The median nerve comes down from the neck to the hand.

A misalignment in the neck, bulging discs, tight neck muscles and even shoulder or elbow injuries can cause the same symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome.

Regardless of where the symptoms are, it is still the same nerve, and its upper most portions still travels from the neck, below the shoulder, and down the arm. Which means any irritation in the neck is more likely to show up as irritation and symptoms anywhere on the nerves pathway including the hands.

Bottom line, carpal tunnel is not always just a problem of the wrist; it is many times a problem of the median nerve at various places.

By getting your spine in better alignment you may also find you solved your carpel tunnel syndrome issues. A review of the medically-confirmed carpal tunnel syndrome cases reveals that the majority of patients examined also had concurrent problems with the cervical spine.

Of course, another great way to eliminate the pain is to massage the affected areas.  If you’re not sure how to do this … be sure to work with a qualified professional to help guide you through the process.  The results can be pleasant surprise!

About the author: Dr. Matthew Roe is a practicing upper cervical chiropractor and has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Exercise Science. He has a Doctor of Chiropractic degree graduating Cum Laude from Life University College of Chiropractic. Having studied with the best Upper Cervical specific doctors in the world he understands true healing. His practice focus is to help people fine true health naturally.

For more information about Dr. Roe – visit:

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