Could Candida be causing your health problems? Studies link multiple diseases to this pesky yeast

candida-toxic-chemicals(NaturalHealth365) Check your tongue – is it white?  You may have Candida albicans which produces about 180 chemical toxins.  These harmful substances are capable of causing any number of ‘unexplainable‘ health problems.

A white tongue, lack of energy, or irritability are early warning signs of poor health.  In fact, I would suggest that most people with chronic degenerative diseases like IBS, fibromyalgia, or autoimmune conditions suffer from Candida.  Don’t ignore the signs.

Why has Candida become a modern-day problem?

Candida is one of the 400 organisms that live in our mouth, digestive tract, and skin.  Candida albicans is the main yeast in the human body and is normally kept in check by the beneficial bacteria within the intestines.

In a healthy digestive system – Candida lives in approximately one Candida cell for every million bacteria.  When the number of yeast cells grow out of the 1 in 1,000,000 ratio, a person is said to have a flora or yeast imbalance.

It is estimated that over 80% of United States citizens have a problem with Candida.  Naturally, the foods we consume – especially those loaded with overly-processed sugars – encourage yeast overgrowth.

Let’s not forget the issue of chronic stress – which releases cortisol (the ‘stress hormone’) continually.  Too much cortisol can turn off the immune system, raises blood sugar levels, and will kill off friendly bacteria within the gut.

A prescription for sickness and premature death

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), ‘skyrocketing rates of antibiotic prescriptions now suggest that as many as four out of five Americans may be getting antibiotics annually.’  You may be wondering – what’s this got to do with Candida?

The overuse of antibiotics is clearly linked to the overgrowth of yeast in our digestive tract.  Many natural health experts would agree that taking too many antibiotics is a major reason for this epidemic.

I only wish more conventionally-trained physicians would consider that antibiotics wipe out most of the good bacteria leaving yeast unharmed.  At the very least – they should all push their patients to consume probiotics – when being prescribed antibiotics.  In the absence of any competition, yeast colonies grow into all the empty nooks and crannies of the small and large intestine, causing many unwanted health problems.

What else promotes Candida overgrowth?

I’m glad you asked. Birth control pills, cortisone, steroids, and chemotherapy also kill friendly bacteria, such as street and pharmaceutical drugs, alcohol, and lack of oxygenation through a sedentary lifestyle.  Keep in mind that friendly bacteria actually feed on Candida, so anything diminishing their numbers can cause Candida to grow out of control.

What are the symptoms of Candida?

The typical Candida symptoms include jock itch, depression, anxiety, mood swings, heartburn, indigestion, fatigue, food allergies, joint pain, acne, migraine headaches, recurring cystitis, vaginal infections, premenstrual symptoms, foggy thinking, dandruff, athlete’s foot, ear infections, and eczema.

Candida has been implicated in the impairment of the immune system along with the central nervous system.  It has been investigated as the underlying cause of most conditions, including heart, bowel, thyroid disease, and arthritic and autoimmune conditions.

Candida is known to be intimately involved in weight gain, Epstein-Barr, asthma, allergies, cancer, hyperactivity, attention deficit disorders, periodontal disease, and even autism.

How can we test for Candida overgrowth?

A simple blood test can help.  You’ll want to check your levels for IgG, IgA, and IgM Candida antibodies.  These can be checked through most labs.  High levels indicate an overgrowth of Candida.

Stool testing can check for Candida in the colon.  The lab can usually determine the species of yeast as well as which treatment will be most effective.  Just make sure that your doctor orders a ‘comprehensive stool test’ rather than the standard variety.

The urine Organix Dysbiosis test detects a waste product of Candida yeast overgrowth known as D-Arabinitol.  An elevated test indicates an overgrowth.  This test will determine if the problem is in your upper gut or small intestines.

The spit test can be done at home.  The first thing, when you wake up in the morning, is to put some saliva into a glass of water before you put anything into your mouth.

If the saliva floats, it is fine, but if within 15 minutes you notice projections extending down into the water, it is said to be a sign that you are harboring the invasive form of Candida.  If the water turns cloudy, your spit sinks to the bottom of the glass, or you see strings – you are looking at a Candida problem.

What’s the best way to treat Candida?

Effectively treating Candida involves stopping the yeast overgrowth, restoring the friendly bacteria that usually keep them in check, and healing the gut.

Addressing this overgrowth primarily requires a low sugar diet.  Sugar is what feeds yeast, so eliminating sugar in all of its simple forms is a must.  Cut out pasta, bread, baked cookies, muffins, bagels, and most, if not all, processed foods.

Generally speaking, overeating creates a high residue of undigested food – which feeds opportunistic organisms such as Candida.  And, don’t eat fast.  Therefore, chew your food at least 30 times to produce the saliva that prepares the body for healthy digestion. The idea is to allow friendly microbes to breakdown all the food you eat.

Obviously, using diet alone not only takes months for results but isn’t as effective as using a protocol – which includes herbs, probiotics, and natural antifungals such as caprylic acid in coconut oil.

Here are some ‘Candida killers’

Candida overgrowth has been tied, in part, to a lack of omega-3 fatty acids.  There are plenty of omega-3 fatty acids to be found in flaxseed oil and walnut oil.  In addition, you may want to take oregano oil, garlic, olive leaf, colloidal silver, raw apple cider vinegar, spirulina, grapefruit seed extract, neem oil, Pau D’Arco, and burdock root for its antifungal effect.

Never forget – your first line of defense is always a strong immune system.  This can only be achieved through a healthy lifestyle, which includes organic whole foods, fresh air, stress reduction, and exercise.  Talk to an experienced healthcare provider and eliminate the threat of Candida – naturally.

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