Discover how to LOWER your cancer risks by eating at the right time of day

(NaturalHealth365) Are you aware that the majority of cancer medications produced between 2009 and 2014 came with a $100,000 annual price tag per patient? And, to add insult to injury, many cancer patients are forced to pay out of pocket because of poor insurance coverage. Meanwhile, none of these drugs effectively reduce cancer risks in any meaningful way.
With some (conventional) cancer treatments costing as much as $400,000 per year, millions of people desperately want a better way. Our job, at NaturalHealth365, is to share with you some of the most effective ways to boost immune function and reduce the risk of disease.
For example, you ought to know that one of the best ways to reduce cancer risks is by eating organic food – free of unwanted substances like, glyphosate. What you might not be aware of is how timing your meals can be just as important (if not more!) in reducing your disease risk.
And yes, there is scientific evidence to prove it.
Breaking NEWS: Study links the wrong time you eat to cancer risks
A study done at the Barcelona Institute for Global Health and published in the International Journal of Cancer highlighted the link between circadian rhythm (physiological processes happening in a living being every 24 hours) and cancer (specifically breast and prostate cancer).
The research involved 1,205 breast cancer participants together with 621 prostate cancer participants. Of course, there was a control group used that did not work any night shift comprising 1,321 women and 872 men.
One-on-one interviews and questionnaires were used to collect data relating to sleeping and eating trends as well as cancer risk factors to identify any potential link. The participants testified to taking breakfast, lunch, and dinner. What’s more, 7 percent of the study subjects took a snack after dinner and a third were fond of an afternoon snack.
The researchers found that participants who went to bed 2 hours after taking dinner had a 20 percent lesser prostate and breast cancer risk. When compared to people who habitually took dinner after 10 pm, there was a 20 percent lesser risk in persons who took their last meal of the day before 9 pm.
These findings prove that meal timing plays an essential role when it comes to cancer prevention.
Simply put: it’s for your own good to have a 2 hours wait before going to sleep – once you have eaten. Even better: eating before sundown would be a step in the right direction to help minimize your cancer risks.
What if you are unable to sleep on an empty stomach?
Research shows that people heavily incline towards salted, starchy, and sweet foods during the evening (you can view full report here). And, although ‘rich’ way of eating may have been good for our ancestors – when food was scarce – it’s bad news for us.
You see, unlike the quality of our food years agon, 21st century meals (for too many people) are loaded with highly-processed ingredients and artificial additives. This shift in consumption of poorer quality foods has triggered the massive increase in cases of obesity and cancer.
Action step #1: Get rid of all junk food from your home and replacing it with healthier options that feed your body right. Choose quality foods, eat smaller portion meals, chew your food well and avoid eating close to bedtime is a formula for success!
By the way, if you’re wondering about a healthy snack: berries are a great decision as they are known to support better energy levels, metabolism and brain function. Just don’t eat them at midnight and you’ll be o.k.
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