Cancer patients benefit GREATLY from the right type of exercise, new research reveals

exercise-for-cancer(NaturalHealth365)  It’s safe to say that most American adults need to exercise more.  In fact, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, about 80% of adults and adolescents fail to meet the daily recommended requirements for aerobic and/or muscle-strengthening exercise.

It’s a grim statistic, considering that the many physical and mental benefits of exercise are well-documented, including the prevention of health problems like, heart disease, obesity, and cancer.  Two recent studies highlight the profound impact of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) on cancer.

Research published in the Journal of Physiology found that HIIT prevents cancer and can also slow tumor growth by increasing beneficial immune responses.  Additionally, a 2023 randomized controlled trial in the Journal of Sport and Health Science revealed that HIIT significantly improves cardiovascular fitness, quality of life, and emotional well-being in breast cancer patients undergoing adjuvant endocrine therapy.

Research results: A single HIIT session has a positive effect on cancer cells

Research already shows physical activity improves outcomes for people with cancer.  In one study, researchers set out to determine how exactly exercise can offer this type of beneficial effect.  The researchers specifically wanted to understand how high-intensity interval training, or HIIT, affected people with colon cancer.

HIIT is defined as short bursts of intense exercise followed by periods of rest. For their study, the researchers had 20 colon cancer survivors participate in HIIT exercise sessions.  One session was defined as four by four minutes of work at 85–95% peak heart rate.  The researchers then measured the participants’ blood serum levels.

Half of the participants had their serum levels checked immediately before, immediately after, and 120 minutes after a HIIT session.  The other half had their serum levels checked before the intervention and four weeks later (after 12 sessions).

The authors found something promising: In the blood samples taken immediately after a HIIT session (but not while at rest 120 minutes later), the number of colon cancer cells decreased, and the number of cytokines (immune cells that help fight off infection and modulate inflammation) increased, including a cytokine called tumor necrosis factor-alpha (necrosis means cell death).

The authors summarize their major takeaway as follows: “Repetitive exposure to these acute effects [of HIIT training] may contribute to the relationship between exercise and improved colorectal cancer survival.”

In other words, if you regularly participate in HIIT exercise, you’ll get repeated exposure to the beneficial immune system changes that are present immediately after your workout!   This is good news whether you’re currently being treated for cancer or simply trying to prevent it.

How to get more HIIT into your weekly exercise routine

Only 1 in 3 Americans get the recommended weekly physical activity (even though gym memberships have climbed steadily over the past two decades).

But while modern life may seem ill-suited to a life of exercise and movement (we sit in chairs all day and too often plug into television and social media), adding in a few HIIT sessions to your week is relatively easy:

  • They don’t require much time.  If done correctly, you can get a great workout. The “high intensity” portion of the exercise session typically is 15 seconds – 4 minutes in duration, depending on your fitness level.
  • They don’t require a lot of equipment.  You can use simple bodyweight movements done in your living room.  Movements like spinning on a stationary bike, squats, lunges or even “burpees” (squat, push-up and jump) can work well for you.
  • High intensity movement is followed up with easier movement for the same amount of time (or longer – if needed – depending on your fitness level).  This type of exercise can even accelerate weight loss for you.  In fact, you burn a large amount of calories during AND after a HIIT session, thanks to a phenomenon known as excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC).  The higher the exercise intensity, the greater the EPOC effect.

So, while HIIT sessions are somewhat challenging, they’ll be over quickly – and they’re as effective as they are short-lived, making them a great value for your effort!

Remember, we always recommend speaking with your physician or a qualified health coach before starting a new exercise routine.

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