Rethinking cancer: An empowering message of hope and healing

(NaturalHealth365) “We all have the potential to heal ourselves of cancer and other serious illnesses,” according to Philip Incao, M.D., an integrative physician for well over 40 years. Yet, with nearly 1 out of every 2 people facing a cancer diagnosis (in their lifetime), the question remains: “Who will you trust to help you recover?”
You’ve just been diagnosed with cancer – what do you do? Naturally, when someone hears the words “you’ve got cancer”, it can be a scary and confusing situation. Equally stressful is the realization that chemotherapy and radiation have horrible side effects – which never address the underlying cause of disease. On the next NaturalNews Talk Hour, Dr. Incao and Jonathan Landsman talk about a better way to approach cancer with an ‘integrative’ (healthy) mindset.
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Rethinking cancer: The right to choose treatment options
Dr. Incao has been a long-time supporter of the Foundation for Advancement in Cancer Therapy – Non-Traditional Approaches to the Theories, Treatments and Prevention of Cancer (FACT) organization, founded by Ruth Sackman. As a young woman, Ruth started out as a seamstress and ultimately became a successful designer in New York. But, her life abruptly changed when her daughter was diagnosed and unfortunately died of leukemia.
In 1971, Ruth and her husband Leon co-founded FACT – which gave her the opportunity to help thousands of cancer patients around the world by educating them about the many treatment options available, both conventional and non-conventional methods. She eventually consulted with hundreds of practitioner and medical clinics worldwide; hosted a nationally-syndicated radio program; created a quarterly magazine and authored two books including case studies of patients that cured themselves of cancer following the FACT protocols.
The basic (powerful) cancer message, from FACT, is: “You don’t have to die, in fact, you don’t even have to be sick.” There are literally thousands of people relearning what a ‘healthy life’ is all about and regaining optimal health without the need for toxic protocols.
If you’re experiencing cancer and looking for an empowering perspective about health – don’t miss the next NaturalNews Talk Hour with Jonathan Landsman and Philip Incao, M.D.
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The best way to treat cancer requires a change in mindset
Slowly, but surely, we are seeing a change in attitude about treating cancer. For too long, the one dimensional thinking of conventional oncology has been to ‘shrink tumor size.’ But, as we all know, reducing tumor size has little to do with a patient’s chance for survival or quality of life.
In reality, according to many integrative healthcare professionals (that I have personally interviewed), there are many studies that provide proof that healthy diets and nutritional supplements effectively kill cancer cells, while leaving healthy cells unharmed. In addition, and perhaps most exciting to cancer patients using conventional therapies, these natural substances work synergistically with chemotherapy or radiation to reduce the toxic side effects of conventional cancer protocols.
On the next NaturalNews Talk Hour, you’ll learn how the immune system keeps us healthy, the real threats to human health and a very interesting discussion about germs and curing cancer. Don’t miss this important show.
This week’s guest: Philip Incao, M.D., a long-time advocate of the bio-repair approach to treating cancer
Discover the key aspects to health and disease, how to approach cancer plus much more – Sun. Sept. 13
Philip Incao, M.D. received his B.A. degree Magna Cum Laude from Wesleyan University, then his M.D. from Albert Einstein College of Medicine in 1966. From 1968 he served as a medical officer in the United States Navy and was honorably discharged in 1970 with the rank of lieutenant commander.
Dissatisfied with the limitations of modern medicine, Dr. Incao spent two years in Europe in the early 1970’s studying Anthroposophical Medicine, which combines the insights of the perennial spiritual wisdom with the rational method of modern science and became one of the first practitioners of this specialty in the United States. His special interest in alternative cancer treatment came about when his wife was diagnosed with the disease in 1981, setting him on a search that continues to this day.
About the author: Jonathan Landsman is the host of, the NaturalNews Talk Hour – a free, weekly health show and the NaturalHealth365 INNER CIRCLE – a monthly subscription to the brightest minds in natural health and healing.
Reaching hundreds of thousands of people, worldwide, as a personal health consultant, writer and radio talk show host – Jonathan has been educating the public on the health benefits of an organic (non-GMO) diet along with high-quality supplementation and healthy lifestyle habits including exercise and meditation.