Alarming NEW study: Eating this “perfect” food INCREASES the risk of breast cancer?

eggs-cause-breast-cancer(NaturalHealth365) Ask anyone who has attempted to clean up their diet in the past, and they will likely tell you that eating healthy is not easy. To a certain degree, I agree with this statement, primarily because of the myriad of conflicting information on the internet.

For example, a new study exposes the significant health risks associated with one of the most popular foods touted as healthy on American plates.  The findings raise serious questions about whether eggs deserve to be called “nature’s perfect food.”

ALARMING study results show eating eggs may lead to an increased risk of breast cancer

Many praise eggs as the healthiest food on the planet, even calling them a nutrient-rich superfood and an excellent protein source. While no one argues that eating eggs offers nutritional benefits, one must wonder if increasing our breast cancer risks still justifies eating them.   

In a study of 3,209 women aged 55 and over, researchers examined the association between animal foods (dairy, red meat, poultry, eggs, and fish) and postmenopausal breast cancer risk.  During a 17-year follow-up, 6.2% of women developed breast cancer.  Interestingly, of the different animal products compared, eating eggs had the strongest association with increased breast cancer incidence. 

Although, it is worth noting that the researchers probably did not make any distinction between those eating “conventionally-raised” (toxic) eggs and those eating “pasture raised,” organic eggs.  In truth, that would be an interesting study to create.

The above study is by far not the only one in the scientific literature, pointing out the apparent connection. There also seems to be a dose-response, which means that the more eggs we eat, the higher the cancer risk. Once we get up to about five eggs a week, our breast cancer risks go up significantly. 

But, again, the quality of the eggs could have a lot to do with the increased risk of cancer.  Keep in mind, conventionally-raised eggs come from poorly treated, sick hens.

Researchers have linked egg consumption to several other types of cancer as well.  Unequivocal evidence from multiple trials suggests a strong association between eggs and the risk of developing ovarian, colon, prostate, bladder, and stomach cancer. The question is, why are there so few people who know about this? 

Gross over-exaggeration of egg benefits keeps the public in the dark about the looming risk of cancer

The U.S. poultry and egg industry has no interest in warning the public about the health risks tied to egg consumption. In fact, the opposite is true. Over the last three decades, the American Egg Board has spent hundreds of millions of dollars on marketing and promotional activity to persuade people that eggs are healthy.  

Sadly, this aggressive promotional campaign has worked. We, as a nation, eat more eggs today than ever before. Last year Americans consumed over 289 eggs per person, and we are set to break this record in 2020. 

Now is the time to bring eggs out of the shadow, expose the risks, and empower women by providing unbiased information. 

DISTURBING reality: Eggs cannot legally be called safe or healthy

Even the government knows that eggs aren’t healthy for you.  This understanding is the reason why the American Egg Board cannot legally claim that eggs are nutritious, part of a balanced diet, low calorie, low fat, healthy, good for you, or even safe. But what is it about eggs that make them so bad for your health? 

Conventionally-trained scientists are not 100 percent sure why cancer rates are so much higher among people who regularly consume eggs.  But, potential explanations – put forth by integrative healthcare providers and natural health experts – are the amount of antibiotics (and other drugs) used to raise factory farm hens; the inhumane (sickening) environment in which these animals are raised and the other drugs used to “care” for these animals. 

This increased level of toxicity found in conventionally-raised eggs can greatly increase the risk of inflammation and injury to the body.

ALARMING data suggests excessive choline consumption can cause an increased risk of cancer

Choline consumption is associated with developing cancer and even a significantly increased risk of dying from it. You see, diets that are heavy in animal products can encourage the growth of certain bacteria that convert the choline in these foods into TMA—trimethylamine. 

TMA can be oxidized into TMAO and wreak havoc on our arteries and promote cancer growth. Ironically, eggs’ choline content is something the egg industry brags about and uses as a selling point.

Cut your breast cancer risk by removing eggs from your plate

No matter what the egg industry has been telling you, eggs are not necessarily “nature’s perfect food.”  Always be mindful of the quality of the food you eat.  Cutting back on non-organic, egg consumption is an easy way to reduce your breast cancer risk starting today.

Here are some simple tips to get started: 

  1. Obviously, you can simply skip that egg omelette in the morning.  Instead, drink an organic, green smoothie for lots of good nutrition that’s easy to digest.
  2. Look for egg-free recipes on the internet. You’ll be surprised how easy it is to cook without eggs. 
  3. Ditch the egg and reach for plant-based protein sources.  Organic chia or hemp seeds, quinoa, aduki beans, kidney beans and lentils are all excellent plant protein sources. 

Take it one day at a time and slowly introduce more and more plant-based, nutritious foods.  Your body will thank you for it. 

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