(NaturalHealth365) Cancer rates are sky high. In 2015, the National Cancer Institute estimates that there will be over 1.6 million new cases of cancer within the United States alone. Another alarming statistic, an estimated 589,420 people will die of cancer – with no cure in sight – despite an annual NCI budget of over $4.9 billion.
I believe it’s time to discuss one of the most overlooked problems within conventional and integrative medicine that may very well provide a solution for many cancer patients throughout the world.
Today, on the NaturalHealth365 Podcast, you will hear one of the most remarkable stories of recovery from breast cancer. You’ll meet a woman who tried many natural therapies AND chemotherapy without success – until she addressed her dental health problems.
Share the news: Help us save lives
If you know someone struggling with a cancer diagnosis – be sure to share the information in this podcast with them. Thankfully, our social sharing features connected to the podcast – including email and download capabilities make it easy for you to listen to this program anytime, anywhere.
By the way, if you’re planning on getting dental work done or feel a past visit to the dentist has caused you pain – be sure to order the “Holistic Oral Health Summit” – which features 33 of the world’s top experts talking about how to improve oral health, prevent and reverse disease symptoms, plus – this event – will save you thousands of dollars in unwanted medical expenses.

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Program highlights:
- Ruth Newman talks about the tragic start of her cancer journey.
- Ruth describes how a clinic in Mexico failed to help.
- Discover the most overlooked reason for cancer cell growth.
- Ruth offers incredible insights for every cancer patient.
- A warning for every person concerned about cancer.
- Plus, much more!
Enjoy the show!
Cancer & Heart Disease
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In addition to publishing articles on cutting edge natural cancer treatments and heart disease prevention, we also aim to connect healthy lifestyles, diets and balanced consumption of dietary supplements to long-lasting cancer-free health and adding happy years to your life. For example, did you know that the amount of emotional stress in your life can contribute to your risk of cancer? Or that raw, expeller-pressed olive oil has cancer fighting qualities? Perhaps you didn’t know that Fresh Organic Produce has been found to have higher concentrations of key, cancer-fighting anti-oxidants and vitamins than conventional produce? You can find all of that information and more right here on Natural Health 365.
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