Improve your blood sugar level with this natural compound

blood-sugar-control(NaturalHealth365) Resveratrol – a compound that acts as an antioxidant and that’s powerful enough to help the body regenerate on the cellular level – received plenty of attention the past few years.  This compound is concentrated mostly in the seeds and skins of berries and has been linked to a reduction in heart disease, as well as cancer prevention.  Earlier this year, new reports from preliminary trials showed the compound offered exciting benefits for individuals with type 1 diabetes, too.

Now, a new meta-analysis, published in the journal Molecules, dug deeper into the power of resveratrol supplementation, finding it offers excellent benefits for those with blood sugar imbalances.  According to researchers, supplementing with resveratrol not only improved blood sugar control among those being treated with glucose-lowering medicines, but it also helped lower blood pressure.

Want better blood sugar levels? Resveratrol offers multiple benefits to diabetics, study suggests

Previous research has shown resveratrol has protective effects in diabetes-associated complications, and scientists wanted to look deeper to determine whether resveratrol supplementation would improve metabolic parameters like blood sugar levels and blood pressure in individuals with diabetes already taking glucose-lowering drugs.

The meta-analysis looked at five different randomized trials evaluating the effects of resveratrol on kidney function or glucose control, encompassing 388 patients with diabetes.  The pooled data showed that resveratrol supplementation not only reduced fasting glucose but also lowered diastolic and systolic blood pressure and improved kidney function markers.  Researchers also noted that there were no adverse interactions between the supplement and glucose-lowering medicines noted.

That’s not all! Incredible health benefits everyone should know

This new meta-analysis shows significant promise for individuals with blood sugar imbalances, but resveratrol supplement provides many other health benefits as well.  Past studies have linked it to lowering blood pressure, reducing levels of bad cholesterol, and even increasing levels of good cholesterol – all of which help prevent heart disease.

Any other benefits? I am glad you ask. Yes, other science-backed health benefits of resveratrol supplement include:

  • Reduced inflammation (we know that inflammation contributes to many diseases)
  • Obesity prevention
  • Slowed down age-related mental decline in aging adults
  • Cancer prevention
  • Suppression of cancer cells
  • Reduction in joint pain
  • Improved digestive function
  • Prevention of Alzheimer’s disease

Even though you’ve heard that resveratrol is found in wine, skip the wine.  Drinking wine has the ability to lower your immune function, and you’ll actually find more of the helpful compounds in delicious foods.  Great sources of resveratrol include raw cocoa (yes, you can indulge in dark chocolate), blueberries, pistachios, red grapes, cranberries, and mulberries.

If you don’t eat a lot of these foods, you can choose a resveratrol supplement to reap the compound’s health benefits.  Before adding any new supplement to your regimen, please consult with your healthcare professional.

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