Addressing mold in your environment significantly reduces autism symptoms, recent studies find

autism-mold-exposure(NaturalHealth365) 1 in 59 – this is how many children in America have autism spectrum disorder.  It’s an astounding number on its own – but even more so when you realize that the rate of autism was 1 in 88 in 2012 and “just” 1 in 1,000 in the 1990s.

Researchers and doctors have been trying for decades to figure out what’s driving the increasing incidence – and trying to help people with autism improve their quality of life.  And while the evidence is still inconclusive, growing amounts of data suggest that addressing mold exposure and impaired gut health could play a huge role in improving autism symptoms.

Discover how an autistic child experienced a “complete loss of all symptoms of autism”

In 2020, a case study was published in Integrative Medicine featuring a child with autism who had colonies of the common mold  Aspergillus in their urine and digestive tract.  Insightfully, the doctors decided to treat this fungal infection using a probiotic called itraconazole (Sporanox®).

The results were astounding:

Over the course of three months, “the child had a complete recovery from all the symptoms of autism and in addition developed excellent academic, athletic, and musical skills.”

While only a case study, this paper echos other research exploring the link between environmental toxins and autism.  This includes a 2017 paper published in Nutritional Neuroscience, which found a “significant association” between exposure to mycotoxins (toxic by-products from fungus) and 52 children with autism, compared to 58 healthy controls.

Interestingly, many children with autism also deal with gastrointestinal issues.  This is completely consistent with modern-day insights regarding the gut and the brain – namely that they are intricately connected, and that gut bacteria can influence mood and brain function.

This could also explain why a 2019 study found that an unusual and revolutionary fecal transplant technique known as microbiota transfer therapy (MTT) yielded a 50 percent reduction in autism symptoms after two years among the study’s 18 participants.  MTT introduced healthy bacteria into the participants’ digestive tracts and later on was associated with improved gut health as well as improved language, social, and behavioral symptoms.

Fortunately, you might not have to go the route of fecal transplants in order to help you or your child’s health. 

Worried about mold in your home?  Here are 3 ways to keep your family safe

As we learn more about the damaging effects of mold, many health experts sound the alarm for Texan homeowners who have recently struggled with burst pipes and other disasters on account of the recent snow and ice in early February.  As clean-up continues, avoiding mold and moisture damage is going to be imperative for long-term health.

Whether you live in Texas or somewhere else, it’s so important to know how to reduce your family’s exposure to mold.  Here are 3 top tips from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):

  1. Keep humidity levels low in your home.  You might also consider using a high-quality HEPA filter in your home’s HVAC system to improve indoor air quality and circulation.
  2. If your home has been affected by burst pipes or a flood, remove and replace wet carpeting, drywall, and insulation as soon as possible, and clean and dry out your home within 24-48 hours.
  3. If you see or smell mold, assume that it must be removed.  According to the CDC, you can remove mold from hard surfaces with a variety of “household products, soap, and water, or a bleach solution of no more than 1 cup of household laundry bleach in 1 gallon of water.”

If in doubt, call a professional.  Mold can negatively affect everyone in your home and may lead to or exacerbate issues like asthma, skin issues, and even infections or severe allergic reactions, among other problems.  Bottom line: don’t ignore the problem … take action to protect your health.

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