The ‘bitter’ TRUTH: Artificial sweeteners trigger glucose intolerance and destroy your health, according to many experts

(NaturalHealth365) Many people use artificial sweeteners as a substitute for sugar not knowing that they’re digging their own grave. You see, the food industry would have us believe that these non-caloric artificial sweeteners (NAS) are a ‘healthy alternative’ to sugar. (nothing could be further from the truth!)
For years, the general public has been lead to think that we need these products to reduce the threat of type 2 diabetes and obesity. Yet, these health issues continue to plague our society. To be blunt: consuming these sweeteners – over time – will destroy your health.
If you don’t believe me, just look at the science – which actually shows how artificial sweeteners trigger glucose intolerance.
And, that’s not all! There are many top health experts that are sounding the alarm about the consumption of NAS. If you know anyone consuming these products – tell them to read this report.
Science reveals why you should ‘run the other way’ when offered artificial sweeteners
Studies have shown that artificial sweeteners like aspartame, sucralose, and saccharine could result in glucose intolerance. Artificial sweeteners are the culprits behind alteration of the functioning and composition of gut bacteria, and this is understood to be the cause of glucose intolerance.
The research done in Rehovot, Israel at the Weizmann Institute of Science demonstrated how mice became glucose intolerance after 11 weeks of being fed with artificial sweeteners. An alteration of the gut bacteria later was found to influence each mice’s glucose response.
Feces obtained from glucose intolerant mice and introduced into mice with sterile intestines showed that the latter became glucose intolerant.
The conclusion was that saccharine consuming mice developed glucose intolerance due to an unhealthy microbiome. The researchers went ahead and recruited seven people that avoided artificial sweeteners, and four became glucose intolerant after the group consumed artificial sweeteners for a week.
It’s for this reason that the team is pushing for a re-evaluation of the usage of NAS in foods. But, with powerful food lobbyists focused on resistance – I’m not expecting policy changes anytime soon.
Plain and simple truth: ‘Artificial sweeteners are bad for your health,’ says Yale University cardiologist
Dr. Krumholz Harlan, a cardiologist and Medicine professor at Yale University, (originally) believed that diet drinks were the best way to strike a balance between keeping weight in check and quenching his caffeine thirst.
Pounding down diet drinks was his second nature as he thought, like so many Americans, this was the best way to keep sugar and calories at bay. After conducting a meta-analysis and systematic review of RCTs (Randomized Controlled Trials), he felt betrayed after finding out that artificial sweeteners come with cardio-metabolic risks, and increased body mass index (BMI).
In fact, a study on the physiological effects of NAS by his university colleagues showed how they interfere with gut microbiota as well as cognitive processes such as taste perception, memory, and learning. They explained that artificial sweetening compounds aren’t physiologically inert and are thus likely to interfere with metabolic function and energy balance.
Bottom line: with so many other (healthier) choices out there – to satisfy our sweet cravings – why bother with these horrible products?
Make the right choice: Discover better sweeteners that support good health
For those still in doubt: I urge you to watch the documentary, “Sweet Misery – A Poisoned World” – which illustrates the devastating effects of consuming aspartame. After watching this film, you’ll never eat that stuff again.
And, for the rest of us: there are many better and sweeter alternatives such as stevia awaiting your discovery. Personally, I like raw (wild) honey or organic maple syrup. (just don’t overdo it.)
I hope you found this article useful. (let me know – in the comment section below) And, if you already know how bad NAS are for your health, spread the word and help us save lives.
About the author: Jonathan Landsman is the host of, the NaturalHealth365 Talk Hour – a free, weekly health show and the NaturalHealth365 INNER CIRCLE – a monthly subscription to the brightest minds in natural health and healing.
Reaching hundreds of thousands of people, worldwide, as a personal health consultant, writer and radio talk show host – Jonathan has been educating the public on the health benefits of an organic (non-GMO) diet along with high-quality supplementation and healthy lifestyle habits including exercise and meditation.
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