Antibiotic resistance makes vitamin C more important than ever

(NaturalHealth365) Each year, in the United States, at least 2 million people become infected with antibiotic-resistance bacteria – 23,000 of them are fatal. This development of drug-resistant bacterial infections can be traced to the overuse of antibiotics leading to antibiotic resistance.
However, with an estimated 200 million-plus antibiotic prescriptions written every year in the U.S., this very real threat of antibiotic-resistant “super bugs” does not seem to have slowed reliance on antibiotics. Yet, the solution is simple: research shows high doses of vitamin C – a powerful antioxidant – can successfully fight all kinds of infections.
Killing infections naturally: The volume of scientific evidence can NOT be ignored
The incredible infection-fighting qualities of vitamin C, making it an excellent antibiotic alternative, are not a new concept. Dr. Frederick Robert Klenner, who first began practicing medicine in 1936, documented years of research on vitamin C benefits. His work is said to have inspired further research on vitamin C by Linus Pauling and Irwin Stone.
Results of his lifetime of research provide evidence that vitamin C diminishes infections and toxins, controls cancer cell growth, relieves depression, modifies pain and alters the path of many conditions, including ALS, multiple sclerosis, and reactions from poisonous bites, among others.
In fact, Dr. Klenner found vitamin C to have tremendous therapeutic power, boosting the immune system, acting as an antihistamine, and neutralizing toxins.
Vitamin C found to be effective against drug-resistant TB
Tuberculosis, or TB, is a bacterial infection that affected 9 million people worldwide, killing about 1.5 million, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Today, TB infections that fail to respond to drugs as evidence of antibiotic resistance are an increasing problem, with 650,000 people now suffering from multi-drug resistant TB worldwide.
In 2013, researchers at Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University made a surprising discovery while studying how TB bacteria become resistant to a first-line TB drug. According to results published in the online journal Nature Communication, the study revealed that vitamin C destroys drug-resistant TB bacteria in lab culture. The findings pave the way for a clinical trial, says lead author Dr. Williams Jacob.
How to effectively (and safely) reduce the threat of toxins in the body
While the TB study’s results may have been surprising to the researchers conducting the investigation, it comes to no surprise to Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD. Dr. Levy is a board-certified cardiologist and has written six books on vitamin C benefits plus other health-related issues.
“I don’t aim to be inflammatory, I just aim to be accurate,” explains Dr. Levy. “We’re very reluctant in medicine to use the word ‘cure’ because we have so many naysayers that want to come along and say you’re providing false hope. Well, where a cure has been clearly provided for a specific disease, repeatedly, with a specific therapy, and you don’t use the word ‘cure,’ you’re doing even greater harm.”
Dr. Levy has reviewed extensive amounts of literature on vitamin C and says viral pneumonia, diphtheria and other diseases and toxins have all responded well to treatment with vitamin C. “You find me a toxin, I’ve got the cure,” he says.
Vitamin C recommendations: What the doctors have to say
Based on his experience, Dr. Klenner recommended adults take at least 10 grams of ascorbic acid daily and children under 10 years of age take at least 1 gram for each year of life to maintain health.
Dr. Levy says sodium ascorbate or ascorbic acid can be used as a cost-effective, well-tolerated form of vitamin C for keeping the gut mostly detoxified. But to achieve near-complete absorption, he suggests vitamin C products utilizing liposomal encapsulation technology as an additional option.
In the case of acute infections and toxic states, Dr. Levy recommends intravenous sodium ascorbate, typically at doses of 50 grams or more, over several hours for most individuals. At the same time, he recommends also administering the liposome-encapsulated form of vitamin C orally.
In the absence of intravenous sodium ascorbate Dr. Levy recommends sodium ascorbate or ascorbic acid at levels up to bowel tolerance, and then the liposome-encapsulated form of vitamin C at the rate of several grams hourly. Subsequent dosing should be guided by symptoms and clinical response.