Antibiotic resistance solutions and strategies revealed at the Immune Defense Summit, FREE and online starting July 24th

(NaturalHealth365) Antibiotic resistance is a growing threat in our world with no truly effective remedy currently offered by Western medicine. By some estimates, antibiotic-resistant “superbugs” will kill more people than cancer by 2050. No doubt, it’s time to focus on solutions.
Your best defense against infectious disease and tomorrow’s global health threats is a strong immune system. However, all too many people remain uninformed about how to best optimize the immune system – in order to deal with chronic and infectious diseases.
Avoid antibiotic resistance: Get INSTANT access to immune-boosting strategies, vaccine alternatives plus much more
The Immune Defense Summit is a FREE online event starting on July 24th. It’s hosted by Jonathan Landsman and will feature 36 experts in the fields of infectious disease, chronic sickness, antibiotic resistance and natural health.
Diseases like cancer, heart disease, “superbugs” and autoimmune disorders can actually be prevented and overcome by maintaining a healthy immune system. That’s why knowing the best approaches to support your immune system and fight all of these looming threats is so crucial to the foundation of your health.
The Immune Defense Summit will reveal how to eliminate the threat of infectious disease without toxic drugs; how to reverse pneumonia – naturally; get rid of colds and the flu safely and quickly; plus provide a comprehensive overview of the latest advances in detoxification and immune-enhancing protocols.
You’ll also get up-to-date on the latest vaccine safety news – which is NEVER discussed by the mainstream media. This is information you will not want to miss – especially an exclusive interview with Dr. Judy Mikovits, one of the top vaccine researchers in the United States. This event will offer many non-toxic, vaccine alternatives to protect you and your family for life.
When you register for the Summit, you’ll receive the following 3 BONUS gifts:
1. Solutions for Antibiotic Resistance featuring Rachel Fresco, PhD
This compelling interview will reveal a natural way to help you overcome antibiotic resistance safely and effectively. This program is an exclusive conversation with Rachel Fresco, PhD and Jonathan Landsman, host of the Immune Defense Summit.
2. Homeopathic Remedies: The Uncensored Truth with Ronald Whitmont, MD
This program will detail how homeopathy can assist in eliminating the symptoms of both infectious and chronic diseases WITHOUT the need to expose yourself to toxic medications.
3. Selling Sickness: The Germ Hoax Revealed with Dr. Brad Case
This exclusive interview exposes the many ‘Germ Theory’ misconceptions promoted by Western medicine and the real role that antibiotics and antiviral medications ought to play in our lives. You’ll also learn about the true value of probiotics and other highly effective strategies for improving immune system health.
Protect your family from infectious and chronic disease symptoms
Your immune system is the cornerstone of your health and well being. It’s crucial to staying safe from infectious disease, chronic disease and the threat of antibiotic resistance. However, far too many people never learn about this magnificent system and how to optimize it for ideal health due to the constant censorship tactics of conventional news outlets.
The Immune Defense Summit is specifically designed to help you change all that. Don’t leave the health and safety of yourself and your family to chance! Sign up now for the Immune Defense Summit and receive INSTANT access to your bonus gifts and have the opportunity to hear from over 30 top experts in the field of integrative and functional medicine.
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