Anti-aging medicine: Preparing for 100+ years of health

(NaturalHealth365) Did you know that by the year 2050 the population of those over the age of 65 is projected to be nearly 84 million? That’s double the population from a census report in 2012. Could this be fueling the interest in anti-aging medicine?
Fact: The average life expectancy is on the rise from 68 years of age in 1950 to 79 years of age in 2013, and is still increasing today. Dr. Marie Bernard, deputy director of NIH’s National Institute on Aging, states that if you make it to age 65 the likelihood that you’ll make it to 85 is very high, and if you make it to 85, the likelihood of you making it to 92 is high.
The interest in anti-aging medicine is on the rise and for good reason – as we see more and more older people becoming dissatisfied with the ‘disease management’ style of conventional medicine. In fact, in my opinion, everyone should be taking a closer look at anti-aging medicine – as a tool to improve the quality of their life by reducing the risk of age related diseases. That’s why I created the next NaturalHealth365 Talk Hour – don’t miss it! (see below)
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Anti-aging medicine has a positive influence over life expectancy
So, what is anti-aging medicine? Anti-aging medicine is a clinical medical specialty that was developed based on scientific technologies for early detection, prevention, treatment, as well as reversal of age related diseases. Anti-aging medicine is focused on helping to improve the productive lifespan of older adults. Dr. Ron Klatz was the first physician to coin the term ‘anti-aging medicine’ and is actively participating in finding new ways to improving an overall healthy lifespan.
Anti-aging medicine is such a critical part of the health of the aging population, because although life expectancy is on the rise it is still reported by the National Counsel of Aging that nearly 92% of aging adults have at least 1 chronic disease. This field of medicine holds great promise for reducing healthcare costs.
No doubt, as anti-aging medicine grows in popularity – we’ll see a reduction in disease rates among older people. In truth, by simply implementing small changes to diet and exercise habits, productive lifespan can increase by dozens of years. Interesting to note: According to The American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine, scientific studies surrounding modest interventions in diet, exercise, nutrition, and single-gene modulation can modify lifespan by 20-800%.
On top of that, Harvard School of Public Health also found that this anti-aging lifestyle can add 24.6 more years of productive lifespan!
Discover ways you can live a longer and healthier life. Join us for the next NaturalHealth365 Talk Hour, which features Ron Klatz, MD, DO – an expert in anti-aging medicine. Dr. Klatz will uncover ways you can live longer and healthier, and how you can start to prepare your body for 100 plus years of great health.
Simply sign up now for INSTANT access to our free, weekly show by entering your email address and you’ll receive show times, our weekly newsletter + many FREE gifts!
Why aging is truly just a number
Disease used to be viewed as an inevitable part of the aging process, but not anymore. Views on how we age are beginning to change, and age is now being viewed as a number more and more. Although the vast majority of aging adults still suffer with some type of chronic disease, this reality is preventable and a growing number of people are seeing the results of healthy lifestyle habits.
Common sense tells us: We see anti-aging medicine, organic food, yoga and other stress management techniques spreading throughout the population like a (healthy) wildfire. And, at the same time, we see examples of people physically active and mentally sharp – well into their 80s, 90s and beyond. Is it a coincidence? (I don’t think so)
Scientific evidence from the National Institute of Health has proved that even the smallest changes in nutrition, and fitness can increase lifespan, and prevent disease. The truth is that more people are turning to anti-aging medicine to prevent, treat and reverse many age related degenerative issues in order to live longer, more active lives.
On the next NaturalHealth365 Talk Hour – you’ll discover the power of anti-aging medicine from a visionary medical leader. Don’t miss this valuable program and find out how to take back control of your life.
This week’s guest: Ron Klatz, MD, DO – physician, medical scientist, futurist, and innovator.
Discover how anti-aging medicine can greatly improve the quality of your life
Ronald Klatz, MD, DO is not only a physician, but a medical scientist, futurist, and innovator. Dr. Klatz coined the term anti-aging medicine, and is the founder and President of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine. He has been exploring new therapies a well as treatments and prevention plans for age related degenerative diseases.
In addition, Dr. Klatz is a best-selling author and columnist in many international medical journals. Dr. Klatz currently supports aging-related biotech research as well as supervises medical training programs for physicians from over 120 different countries.
About the author: Jonathan Landsman is the host of, the NaturalHealth365 Talk Hour – a free, weekly health show – and the NaturalHealth365 INNER CIRCLE, a monthly subscription to the brightest minds in natural health and healing.
Reaching hundreds of thousands of people, worldwide, as a personal health consultant, writer and radio talk show host, Jonathan has been educating the public on the health benefits of an organic, non-GMO diet along with high-quality supplementation and healthy lifestyle habits, including exercise and meditation.