Dr. Anthony Fauci wants mandatory coronavirus vaccines to be forced on all Americans

Dr. Anthony Fauci wants mandatory coronavirus vaccines to be forced on all Americans

(NaturalHealth365) Who is Anthony Fauci, MD?  The COVID-19 pandemic has made this physician and immunologist a household name.

As the director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) since 1984, Dr. Fauci has been touted as the country’s top infectious diseases expert and is frequently relied on to give his professional opinions regarding isues related to the current novel coronavirus outbreak – including, but not limited to, coronavirus immunizations.

And as the vaccine research race continues – alongside controversial statements from Bill Gates and other figureheads claiming that “certificates” should be required for return-to-work and travel – many will argue that by reading between the lines, the White House’s medical adviser is also laying the groundwork for a mandatory medical procedure.

No more “life as we know it:” Did Anthony Fauci, MD – America’s leading infectious disease expert – just give the green light for mandatory medical procedures?

At a recent White House press briefing, Dr. Fauci asserted that unless there is a big pharma shot for SARS-CoV-2 (the virus which causes COVID-19), the respiratory disease could simply return year after year, and that even if everyone is immunized things may never get back to pre-pandemic business-as-usual.

“”If ‘back to normal’ means acting like there never was a coronavirus problem,” Dr. Fauci said from the White House on April 6, “I don’t think that’s going to happen until we do have a situation where you can completely protect the population” (emphasis ours).

What “situation” would that be, you ask? The implication, many fear, is that public health officials will eventually claim a (mandatory) immunization is necessary to control the virus and get the economy back on track, and that it will have to be administered universally – for example, included on the required list of shots for schools and employers.

Unsurprisingly, pharmaceutical research has skyrocketed since the COVID-19 outbreak began in late December 2019, thanks to collaborative efforts from “scientists, physicians, funders and manufacturers” under the leadership of the World Health Organization (WHO).  In an April 13 statement, the WHO acknowleged that their global team of experts are working to “develop a vaccine as rapidly as possible.”

Many argue that such speed is necessary to quell the spread of this infectious virus. But others are concerned that the blistering pace only increases the risk of pushing a vaccine onto the population that hasn’t been properly tested nor confirmed to actually work.

A reasonable worry, given that prior research on the seasonal flu vaccine, including a 2018 study from Clinical Infectious Diseases, suggests that the vaccine’s effectiveness declines within just a few weeks after being administered.  And yet, we’re supposed to believe that a vaccine developed “as rapidly as possible” is supposed to offer superior “protection” for the entire public?

Do the leading “health experts” really understand how to protect the public from infectious diseases?

As a team of professors and stem cell researchers from Harvard Business Review noted in an April 1 HBR opinion piece, “any proposal to return to work before widespread immunity in the population has been achieved – either by prior infection or immunization – has risks that could lead to a second wave of infection.”

Mitigating the risk of any additional waves of this pandemic of course is an issue to be taken seriously, especially given the severity of the second and third waves of the 1918 influenza pandemic – a global catastrophe that directly infected a third of the world’s population at that time and killed 50 million people, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

But maintaining the balance between public health and safety with individual rights is an important discussion that must not be drowned out by alarmist calls for widespread mandatory shots.

We urge all our readers to follow these COVID-19 developments closely over the coming weeks and months – as we plan to.  Naturally, we’ll keep you updated with what we find out.

But, remember, a healthy immune system is our best defense against disease.

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