Store bought almond milk is mostly sugar water

(NaturalHealth365) Do you drink almond milk instead of cow’s milk because you think it’s healthier? Well, that may be true, but only if you’re making your own fresh (organic) almond milk. Almond milk’s popularity can be seen due to its presence in most mainstream grocery stores – but there is a serious problem with those commercially-produced brands.
Store bought almond milk is not the health food most consumers believe it to be. You see, most commercial varieties have been bought by big corporations and are little more than expensive sugar water. Not only is most commercial almond milk devoid of the nutrients consumers expect, but the actual almond milk ingredients contain very few actual almonds.
The big almond milk lie exposed
Widely known, yet kept secret within the health food industry, commercially-produced almond milk actually only has about a handful of almonds per half-gallon carton. This means almonds only make up about two percent of store bought almond milk. What’s in the rest of it?
What you’ll find in commercial almond milk will shock you!
Commercial almond milk ingredients aren’t close to what you would expect. The first ingredient is usually water. Some brands use an almond base as the first ingredient, but even that may have very few almonds in it.
If the fiber content on your almond milk is low or non-existent, that almond base is practically almond-free. This means you are missing out on the benefits of the nutrients in real almonds. In addition, other common commercial almond milk ingredients include:
- Evaporated cane juice (basically, sugar)
- Calcium carbonate
- Sea salt
- Carrageenan
- Fortified vitamins and minerals
Why all the deception in almond milk?
Most commercial almond milk manufacturers understand that their mainstream customers, who are the bulk of their consumer base, are not looking for a health food, and don’t care about almond milk benefits. They are looking for a non-dairy version of cow’s milk that looks and tastes like the real thing.
They manufacture their almond milk to appeal to this demographic. This leaves people who are genuinely looking for a healthy, nutrient-packed product with real almond milk benefits out in the cold.
If you are looking for a healthy product, you will want to stay away from most commercial almond milk. You’ll be getting a lot of empty calories from the sugar and very few, if any, nutrients in return. Your best alternative is to make homemade almond milk.
Homemade almond milk is quick and easy to whip up, and will give you all the almond milk benefits derived from real almonds you deserve.
To make homemade almond milk, just take one part whole, soaked almonds to three (or four) parts clean water and blend in a blender, then strain into a glass pitcher or jar. If you want sweetness, add a few pitted dates or a few drops of stevia and a pinch of sea salt. Store this in the refrigerator, and you will always have pure, clean, nutritious almond milk that you can feel good about drinking (and is inexpensive, too).