ALERT: Study reveals hidden risks of dental amalgam fillings

dental-amalgam-fillings(NaturalHealth365)  Dental amalgam fillings can present serious risks by increasing exposure to toxic mercury vapor levels.  The dangers are especially harmful for pregnant women, according to a February 5, 2024, paper published in Human & Experimental Toxicology.

Don’t be misled by conventional dentistry, a single filling can significantly increase the risk of exposure to mercury vapor levels when compared to people that don’t have any “silver” fillings.  The more fillings a person has, the greater the increase in exposure, which increases the associated health risks.

Study reveals high mercury exposure from dental amalgam fillings in pregnant women

The study, led by Dr. Mark Geier, a strong advocate for mercury-free pharmaceuticals, dug into data from the 2015 to 2020 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), covering a whopping 1,665,890 pregnant women.

Of this massive group, 606,840 women had at least one dental amalgam filling, while the rest, 1,059,050, hadn’t gone down that road.  To determine pregnancy, the NHANES intake exam used a two-step process: a quick pregnancy test and a blood test that detects the pregnancy hormone HCG.  They also checked for amalgam fillings during the standard dental exam.

Throughout the study, researchers carefully tracked how much mercury each woman was exposed to daily per kilogram of body weight.  They then compared these numbers to safety limits outlined by a published study and regulations from four government agencies.  The results?  Quite eye-opening:

  • Pregnant women with dental amalgams exhibited a median daily urinary mercury excretion approximately 2.5 times higher than those without amalgams.
  • There was a notable correlation between the number of dental amalgam surfaces and the daily urinary mercury excretion among pregnant women with amalgams, indicating a dose-response relationship.
  • Among pregnant women with dental amalgams, the median daily mercury vapor dose from amalgams was estimated to be 7.66 µg of mercury, with a daily dose per kilogram of body weight of 0.073 µg.
  • Alarmingly, approximately 28% of all pregnant women received daily mercury vapor doses from dental amalgams exceeding the least restrictive safety limit set by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), while approximately 36% exceeded the most restrictive limit set by the California EPA.

These findings paint a troubling picture: women with dental amalgam fillings are often exposed to higher levels of mercury, often hitting dangerous levels.  What’s more, the more fillings they have, the higher their mercury levels tend to be, as seen in the levels of mercury found in their urine.

“Silver” fillings pose risks to moms-to-be and their babies

Since 2019, over 200 papers have been published on prenatal mercury exposure.  While they are not all in perfect agreement, many show at least some adverse effects from exposure.  The concern is that mercury crosses both the blood-brain and the placental barriers, two critical lines of defense in the human body.  It also passes through the breast milk, albeit in smaller amounts.

In utero exposure to mercury can lead to congenital Minamata disease, characterized by a spectrum of birth defects, including:

  • Seizures
  • Lack of eye coordination
  • Mental retardation
  • Poor balance
  • Neck instability
  • Microcephaly
  • Strabismus

Mercury exposure has also been connected to low birth weight and memory, language, attention, tactile processing, speed, and coordination issues.

Pregnant women aren’t the only ones at risk

Pregnant women aren’t the only ones at risk of experiencing symptoms of mercury exposure.  Anyone who has amalgam dental fillings can experience symptoms or adverse effects.

While dental amalgam fillings aren’t the only way a person can be exposed to mercury, it is very common.  Another way people are exposed to mercury is by consuming fish containing methylmercury.

Choosing a biological dentist for safer oral health choices

To lower your risk of mercury exposure, consider switching to a biological dentist rather than allowing conventionally trained dentists to place “silver” fillings in your mouth.  If your current dentist isn’t aware of the risks, it might be time for a change.

Biological dentistry focuses on the connection between oral health and overall well-being, offering thorough assessments and treatments tailored to promote long-term health.  Unlike conventional dentists, biological dentists prioritize safe and effective treatments, emphasizing preventative care and wellness interventions.

Some of the holistic strategies include: dietary adjustments, reducing inflammation, managing stress, and addressing sleep issues.  Whether you’re pregnant or not, if you’ve been exposed to mercury during dental procedures, choosing a biological dentist can help minimize further exposure risks.

Editor’s note: Find out how to safely remove mercury-based silver fillings, infected root canal treated teeth plus much more, own the Holistic Oral Health Summit created by NaturalHealth365 Programs.

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