Susan G. Komen board members promote alcohol consumption for women fighting breast cancer

Susan G. Komen board members promote alcohol consumption for women fighting breast cancer

(NaturalHealth365) It is one of the most recognizable fundraising organizations for breast cancer research in the world. Yet, the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation is promoting fundraising activities that encourage the consumption of alcohol – a known risk factor for breast cancer. (How crazy is that?!)

The leadership of the Susan G. Komen Southeast Wisconsin Affiliate organized what it described as a “premier cocktail fundraising event” recently as an official fundraiser for the organization. The organization’s leaders even went so far as to mix pink grapefruit sparkler cocktails on local television news to promote its cancer fundraising event, encouraging viewers to support their cause by downing alcoholic beverages.

Fact: Alcohol consumption is a well-known major risk factor for breast cancer

Sponsoring alcohol-related events, just like putting pink labels on beer cans, wine and liquor bottles, does a disservice to the mission of building awareness about the causes of breast cancer and even breast cancer recurrence. Ironically, the Susan G. Komen Foundation itself lists “alcohol” as a known risk factor for breast cancer on its website, noting, “Alcohol may increase breast cancer risk in several ways.”

The website also includes references to several studies linking alcohol consumption with an increased risk for breast cancer. It begs the question, then, why would a local board leadership of the organization’s affiliate in Southeast Wisconsin use a known cancer risk factor as a fundraising tool?


The American Cancer Society points out that women who consume between two and five drinks daily have about 1 ½ times the risk for developing breast cancer as women who do not drink alcohol at all. But more recent research suggests that impact may be even greater.

A new study published in the British Medical Journal analyzed health data from almost 90,000 women over a span of 30 years and found that even a single glass of wine each day significantly increased the risk of breast cancer. The study was conducted by a team of researchers based at Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health and Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston using data from two large U.S. studies.

The National Cancer Institute agrees with the mountain of research, noting that more than 100 epidemiologic studies have examined the link between alcohol consumption and breast cancer risk. The studies have consistently found a greater risk of breast cancer with a greater consumption of alcohol. Research has shown anywhere from 7 to 12 percent increased risk when consuming as little as slightly less than one drink per day.

A better idea for future breast cancer – fundraising events

Not only did the local Milwaukee-area Susan B. Komen Foundation affiliate make a colossal misstep by using alcohol as a fundraising tool for breast cancer prevention, but the organization missed a valuable opportunity to promote beverages that research shows could actually help prevent the disease. Not only that, but a bit of research and review upon the part of the affiliate’s leadership would have revealed some healthy alternatives to the sparkling pink cocktails that would still allow participants to drink and think pink.

Beet juice is one of those alternatives.  Unlike alcohol, a known factor in causing cancer, beet juice is known to help prevent cancer. Beets, along with their juice, have been used for years as a performance food in athletic circles, but recent research reveals those same valued characteristics that make it high-performance can help cancer patients reverse the advancement of their illnesses. Beets have been shown to increase oxygen in the the blood by 400 percent.

They are also known to contain a flavonoid, betazyane, which is known for its ability to improve oxygen intake within cells. A higher oxygen content improves cellular respiration, which also helps to kill cancer cells.

Beets are also known for their detoxification properties, and for their ability to improve the function of many of the body’s systems, enabling it to prevent and reverse many conditions, including cancer.

For best results, mix beet juice with other juices – such as carrot or apple – since it is such a powerful detoxifier. Consume beet juice as part of an overall diet and lifestyle plan for preventing or treating cancer, including maintaining a positive mindset, consuming nutrient-rich foods, and avoiding toxic household and personal care products.


Study Shows Alcohol Consumption Is a Leading Preventable Cause of Cancer Death in the U.S.

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