WARNING: Acetaminophen use in pregnancy tied to speech delays in boys

acetaminophen-use-in-pregnancy(NaturalHealth365)  The use of acetaminophen, commonly known as Tylenol, during pregnancy has been associated with potential implications for the verbal abilities of children.  This concerning discovery was disclosed in a recent study featured in the medical journal Pediatric Research.  Earlier studies have also linked acetaminophen intake during pregnancy to an increased risk of autism.

This leads to a critical question: Why do regulatory agencies in the United States and other countries prioritize the protection of Tylenol manufacturers instead of openly acknowledging the potential risks associated with pain relievers from major pharmaceutical companies for pregnant women?  It is high time for a clear and emphatic public warning to be issued.

Study links acetaminophen use in pregnancy to speech development issues in children

Researchers from the University of Illinois conducted a study revealing speech delays in children born to mothers who took acetaminophen during pregnancy, with boys exhibiting more pronounced effects than girls.  Notably, the risk associated with the pain reliever was greater when taken during the second and third trimesters.

Among male offspring, speech development exhibited delays during specific time intervals.  The study’s most striking revelation is the correlation between the severity of the impact on sons and the quantity of acetaminophen ingested by mothers, particularly when taken later in pregnancy.

The research, which began in the winter of 2013 and concluded in the spring of 2020, involved the analysis of 688 pregnant women.  Participants aged between 18 and 40 were carrying a single fetus.  Throughout the study, these women provided both urine and blood samples during pregnancy and were not classified as high-risk pregnancies.

Is any amount of acetaminophen safe for pregnant women?

The research team studied 298 children, analyzing their language development at the 27.5-month mark and 254 children at the 37-month mark.  Of the mothers enrolled in the study, 71% took acetaminophen a minimum of once when pregnant.

Sadly, the more acetaminophen the pregnant women took during pregnancy and the later those pills were taken, the more pronounced the deficiency or delay in children’s vocabulary, length of expression, and thoroughness of speech.

It is interesting to note that vocabulary deficits were sometimes more extreme in girls, yet those pronounced differences were not dependent on when pregnant mothers took acetaminophen.

The vocabulary deficit in the boys of mothers who took the pain reliever when pregnant was slightly negative in the initial trimester, then spiked in the following two trimesters.  The same patterns held true across sexes for the complexity of offspring language and length of speech.

Alternative sources of pain relief for pregnant women

It is clear that we can no longer trust the CDC, FDA, public health guidelines, and even some doctors with inherent conflicts of interest.  Instead of popping a couple of acetaminophen when pregnant, turn to alternative sources.

Resist the temptation to down painkillers, opting for the application of a heating pad, ice packs, or a massage.  It is also in your interest to stay physically active while pregnant.  Stretch out the lumbar (lower) portion of the back, take daily walks around the block, and exercise in water.

Mitigate back pain by practicing good posture.  Recognize that fetus growth causes the center of gravity to move forward and make a concerted effort to stand upright.  Hold your chest as high as you can, never lock your knees, and try to relax your shoulders.  Maintaining a wide stance when upright will also enhance support.

Be mindful of your footwear to minimize pain when pregnant.  Wear sneakers with sufficient arch support and avoid shoes with heels, as often as possible.  A maternity support belt might also help reduce pain.  Pregnancy pillows between the bent knees will also help keep you comfortable while sleeping.

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