In loving memory of Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez: Chemotherapy advice for every cancer patient

Dr-Gonzalez-and-Jonathan-Landsman(NaturalHealth365) The sudden death of Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez is still such shock to me.  He was a tireless healthcare provider for those left behind by Western medicine. In fact, his success with ‘terminal’ cancer patients was second to none.

I will forever be grateful to Dr. Gonzalez for his contributions to NaturalHealth365 and all his other efforts to ease the pain in this world.  Despite all the ridicule and vicious attacks – over the years – Dr. Gonzalez remained steadfast in his beliefs, caring and, above all, dedicated to his patients.

Dr. Gonzalez was a staunch supporter of medical freedom and informed consent.  Unlike the conventional cancer industry and its fear tactics – Dr. Gonzalez NEVER tried to convince someone to do his therapy over standard medical treatments like, surgery, chemotherapy or radiation.

Western medicine largely ignores the truth about how to successfully overcome a cancer diagnosis

Dr. Gonzalez once told me, “the single most important determinant as to how a patient does whatever they choose to do, moon dust, my therapies, Sloan Kettering is their belief system.”

He went on to say, “if they don’t fundamentally believe in what I do or what alternative practitioners do, whether I think they should or not – doesn’t matter, they shouldn’t do it.”

As host of the NaturalHealth365 INNER CIRCE, I’ve created over 300 audio/video programs with over 200 integrative healthcare professionals – including dozens of cancer-specific programs exposing the pros and cons of most known cancer treatment protocols. In the video (below) – Dr. Gonzalez details the (almost) unbelievable history of chemotherapy, its dismal success rates and why most cancer patients have been kept in the dark about its true origins and effectiveness.

This video program was exclusively produced for NaturalHealth365 INNER CIRCLE monthly subscribers – but, in light of his sudden death, I felt compelled to release the entire interview. Please share this lifesaving informative video with your family and friends – especially those dealing with a cancer diagnosis.

Cancer doctors would be shocked to learn the true history of chemotherapy

Conventionally-trained physicians rarely get to hear (or discuss) the true nature of chemotherapy and how it was originally created. But, that never stopped Dr. Gonzalez from investigating the subject of standard cancer treatments and, then expressing his views publicly. To say the obvious, Dr. Gonzalez was the finest example of a true physician (teacher) and healer.

In this exclusive (video) interview, Dr. Gonzalez revealed the unspeakable history of chemotherapy, including these truths:

“During WWII, the Department of Defense had all these stock piles of nerve gas from WWI and they weren’t using them in WWII. And someone at the Department of Defense had this brilliant idea to try and convert this nerve gas into useful therapeutic modalities.”

“Very few people realize the whole generation of chemotherapeutic drugs that are being used today – and there are over 100 of them – really developed from poisonous nerve gas developed for warfare.”

Sadly, most doctors are uninformed about how chemotherapy was first developed and the basis for its usage today. The facts are truly astonishing. You can watch the entire (exclusive) NaturalHealth365 INNER CIRCLE interview with your truly, Jonathan Landsman and Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez on YouTube – here’s the link:

Dr. Gonzalez was a dear friend of mine … it’s so hard for me to write this article and only pray that his work will not be lost to the fast pace of time. We all need to do our very best to preserve his legacy. Truly a remarkable man and, for me, his sudden death is quite painful.

Dr. Gonzalez, rest in peace knowing there are many people here that love you and will never forget your contribution to humanity.

Jonathan LandsmanAbout the author: Jonathan Landsman is the host of, the NaturalNews Talk Hour – a free, weekly health show and the NaturalHealth365 INNER CIRCLE – a monthly subscription to the brightest minds in natural health and healing.

Reaching hundreds of thousands of people, worldwide, as a personal health consultant, writer and radio talk show host – Jonathan has been educating the public on the health benefits of an organic (non-GMO) diet along with high-quality supplementation and healthy lifestyle habits including exercise and meditation.



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