It’s time to push back: Residential community blocks Verizon’s 5G tower near homes and preschool

5g-tower(NaturalHealth365)  Cellular data towers have become ubiquitous in the American landscape, sprouting up everywhere from bustling city centers to the depths of the countryside.  This proliferation, touted as a boon for connectivity, is simultaneously blanketing our nation in an invisible blanket of electromagnetic energy that permeates every living and non-living thing.

The most pressing concern with this continuous bombardment of electromagnetic energy is the glaring lack of comprehensive research on its effects.  Despite most global health organizations acknowledging the potential carcinogenic properties of high-energy wavelengths, there’s been a conspicuous absence of thorough investigation.  In the face of this oversight, one community has decided to take a stand.

As the world hurtles forward on its technological trajectory, progress often comes at the cost of recklessness and potential danger.  Let’s take a moment and explore the possible risks posed by 5G towers, examine the limited research available, and consider why we should think twice about enveloping our world in invisible electromagnetic radiation – regardless of the purported benefits.

The unseen risks of invisible radiation

Without getting overly complicated, 5G and all wireless information technology move on a wavelength like light and all other forms of energy.  Light has the potential to damage your skin due to its intense wavelength, as do other types of radiation.  Still, the government seems to think there is little problem with the energetic wavelength of 5G technology.

Chances are good that they do not feel there is any significant risk because cellular data companies have massively deep pockets.  They are essentially “doing their own research” and presenting 5G as perfectly safe to governmental regulatory bodies, which accept it as fact.

The fact of the matter is that there is very little research done on 5G data energy passing through people constantly, and we are essentially setting up future generations to inherit the risk of these experiments that we are performing in real-time on 300+ million Americans.

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What are the risks of electromagnetic energy?

The shorter the wavelength, the more energetic the wave.  Imagine a microwave; the energy that passes from the magnetron of a microwave is extremely energetic, to the point where it boils and cooks food.  5G technology isn’t at that level of energy bombardment, but the wavelength is similarly short.

Though we are not constantly in a microwave, we are constantly subjected to wireless energy passing through us literally 100% of the time.  The presence of cell towers, even in rural locales, does not even give us space to get away from this radiation.

The unfortunate part of all of this is that nobody wants to do the research, and while it’s possible that this tech is benign, it’s also possible that the damage it does is extremely long-term.  Small amounts of energetic radiation passing through cellular tissue might not cause immediate harm.  Still, they may alter the DNA of your cells in the long term, resulting in significantly greater cancer risks.

One of the largest potential concerns is that the cell towers are often very close to schools, hospitals, universities, and other centers where there is a large population of children and the elderly who are at the greatest risk of potential damage to their DNA.  This is where the success of the California homeowners association – and you – comes into play.

A community takes a stand

In a remarkable display of grassroots activism, more than 50 Carlsbad, California residents successfully halted Verizon’s plans to construct a 41-foot 5G cell tower in their residential neighborhood.  The proposed tower would have been less than 150 feet from a preschool, raising significant concerns among community members.

The residents employed multiple strategies to oppose the tower’s construction.  They requested an administrative hearing with the city, circulated a petition that garnered 868 signatures, and pressured their local homeowners association (HOA) to terminate negotiations with Verizon.  Their persistent efforts paid off when the La Costa Oaks Community Association canceled its authorization to rent the land to Verizon, forcing the telecom giant to withdraw its application.

Fight back against 5G for our future

We do not believe it is hyperbolic to state that 5G is an enormous experiment that could risk our children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren’s health and longevity.  We are not trying to scare you so much as to give you the mobilizing energy necessary to push back against these 5G towers cropping up in our communities.  The California HOA success story shows that communities can have a say in what they are subjected to by companies.

Grassroots campaigns that demand government and corporate accountability for the spread of 5G can dramatically impact this rollout.  Confer with your neighbors if there are plans to put up a 5G tower in your area, go to community board meetings, and contact your local, state, and federal representatives to voice your concerns about this unmitigated and untested technology.

Companies have massive reach and influence due to their deep pockets, but they cannot stand up to the scrutiny of thousands of voices within a community saying that they will not be guinea pigs for a decades-long radiation exposure experiment.  Please share this article with your friends and family to raise awareness and encourage them to take action.

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