Childhood cancer alarms: Pesticide exposure, even at home, linked to brain tumors

childhood-cancer-linked-to-pesticide-exposure(NaturalHealth365)  Childhood cancer rates are increasing, and while death rates from these devastating diseases may have plummeted in the last 30 years, stopping them altogether is a constant battle.  A powerful weapon in this fight is identifying causal factors of childhood cancers.

Researchers in Brazil recently looked at over 1,100 studies done worldwide on childhood cancer rates and exposures to various carcinogens.  Their meta-analysis has shown significant links between early childhood pesticide exposure and all forms of cancer, particularly astrocytoma, a cancer of the brain and central nervous system.

Of course, the ever-increasing number of childhood shots being pushed onto the population is a big threat.  But, today, let’s look at the study (mentioned above) and its findings to help you avoid this childhood cancer risk factor.

Unveiling the pervasive reach of pesticides and their silent link to childhood cancer

Nobody intentionally exposes their children to pesticides, but often, we overlook the extent of pesticide exposure in our daily lives, even far from farms and agricultural centers.  Science has compellingly demonstrated that all forms of pesticides, fungicides, herbicides, and other agricultural toxins possess carcinogenic properties.  The issue lies in the misconception that one is “safe” simply because they don’t reside on a farm or in a rural community.

Pesticides, however, harbor a deceptively elusive nature, failing to readily dilute in water.  This lack of solubility is precisely what makes them effective, yet it also means that pesticide residues can travel far and wide.  You could reside in a city downstream from a corporate farm, unknowingly drawing water teeming with pesticides.  The consequences of agricultural runoff are profound, significantly contributing to the toxicity of drinking water in numerous communities.

What makes pesticide exposure particularly insidious is that, especially in children, the damage incurred is both cumulative and additive.  Over time, the harm from pesticides accumulates, heightening vulnerability to cancer.  Moreover, these toxins embed themselves within the body’s fat cells, persisting long after exposure.  Consequently, early childhood exposure to pesticides compounds the risks exponentially compared to encountering them as an occupational hazard in adulthood.

How pesticides stealthily invade your home and threaten your family’s health

The extensive study at the heart of this revelation meticulously scrutinized over 1,100 research papers from across the globe, all dedicated to exploring the link between carcinogen exposure and childhood cancer.  Among the most glaring risks that emerged from this thorough examination was the haunting specter of pesticide exposure.

As a direct consequence of this study, a shocking truth has come to light: more than 65% of all commercially available agricultural pesticides, often deemed ‘safe,’ and over 70% of lawn pesticides, similarly labeled as ‘safe,’ were found to be closely associated with childhood cancer.

Even more distressing is that you don’t need to personally employ pesticides on your lawn to expose your family to this risk.  The actions of a neighbor living a couple of doors down, diligently spraying pesticides on their lawn every week during the summer, could inadvertently translate into exposure for your children, particularly on breezy days when they play outside.  Furthermore, many schools employ pesticides to fend off bugs, liberally spraying them around the school’s perimeters indoors and outdoors, posing an additional hazard to children.

Minimize risk of exposure to pesticides to prevent cancer risk

One of the easiest things you can do to avoid pesticide exposure is never to use them yourself.  If you have a farm or a garden, grow your plants organically.  Opt for organic produce whenever possible if you don’t have a garden.  Organic fruits and vegetables are less likely to carry pesticide residues, reducing your family’s exposure.

Talk to your children’s school about letting you know when pesticides are being applied, and try to dissuade them from using pesticides on school grounds.  If you live in an agriculturally dense area – particularly if you are downstream from a farm that uses pesticides or herbicides – talk to your neighbors to find out what they are using.  If it is a corporate farm, lobby the local government to try and regulate the rampant use of pesticides in your community.

The danger of damage from pesticides is both a direct causal link and an increase in childhood cancer susceptibility.  You can mitigate part of this by ensuring your children are getting enough sleep and eating a healthy diet full of whole, organic foods.  Bottom line: we need more people to become aware of this problem, speak up and take action, as soon as possible for the sake of humanity.

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