Turbo cancers: A shocking new phenomenon linked to mRNA COVID shots

turbo-cancers(NaturalHealth365)  The American Cancer Society reports nearly two million new cancer cases will be diagnosed throughout the United States this year alone.

It is common knowledge that poor diet, a sedentary lifestyle, and the use of nicotine cause cancer and other negative health outcomes.  What is less known is the fact that Big Pharma’s mRNA COVID shots have the potential to catalyze the formation of turbo cancer.

Big Pharma’s new problem of turbo cancer is an indictment of the pharmaceutical industry and mRNA technology

Though the mainstream media certainly won’t shed light on the problem of turbo cancer caused by Big Pharma shots, the truth is COVID jabs are accelerating the formation and severity of cancer in all demographics.  The first case of mRNA-induced turbo cancer brought to light was that of a 66-year-old man.  The man received sequential jabs of Pfizer’s mRNA shot.  The patient subsequently developed T-cell lymphoma.

The interesting twist to this story is that the patient’s physician gave the go-ahead for multiple Pfizer injections before the patient underwent chemotherapy.  The patient’s lymph nodes quickly swelled after receiving the jab.  Lymphoma then spread throughout his body, developing into a deadly turbo cancer.

The cases of post-jab turbo cancer continue to mount

Evan Fishel, a 21-year-old, is another example of how turbo cancer forms after COVID injections.  The college-age Fishel passed away from leukemia only a few days after receiving the diagnosis.  The youngster’s rapid cancer progression has shocked oncologists around the world as it is quite rare for a cancer diagnosis to lead to sudden death in merely four days.

Fishel, a Cal Maritime Academy graduate, was preparing to enroll in Berkeley Law School at the time of his death.  As of the date of this publication, the GoFundMe account set up by the aspiring attorney’s family had amassed over $30,000, but is no longer accepting donations at this time.

Perhaps the saddest part about Fishel’s story is that his postsecondary institution required that all students receive Big Pharma’s jab to continue their academic studies.  The COVID shot mandate is undoubtedly to blame for the onset of Fishel’s turbo cancer.

The term “turbo cancer” will be in the news in the years to come

Though few readers have heard of turbo cancer, it is quickly entering the public lexicon in the post-jab era.  The term’s roots are in a November 2021 paper titled “Rapid Progression of Angioimmunoblastic T Cell Lymphoma” that detailed how the mRNA jabs doled out by Pfizer hastened the onset of cancer.  Those who perform their due diligence in regard to jab research will find references of turbo cancer popping up on alternative news sites in the near future and also across posterity.

We are on the cusp of a major public health crisis ironically caused by the supposed “solution” to the initial public health crisis that was COVID.  The next time you read an obituary noting a “brief and valiant battle” with cancer, put on your thinking cap.  Connect the dots between Big Pharma’s shot and turbo cancer and continue to pursue the truth.

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